Coming of the Storm
Book One of Contact: The Battle for America
By: Kathleen O'Neal Gear, W. Michael Gear
Published: February 2010
Format: Hardcover, 496 pages
ISBN-10: 1439153884
ISBN-13: 9781439153888
Publisher: Pocket Books
Chickesaw trader Black Shell is fascinated at first by the newly arrived Europeans and their strange ways. His curiosity about these people who call themselves "Kristianos" is greater than the advice of the elders. Even the beautiful Pearl Hand, who has agreed to become his mate, can prevent him from exploring the newcomers more closely. His discovery of their unbelievable cruelty shocks Black Shell, and he fears for the way of life of his people. Tempted to run away with Pearl Hand, Black Shell makes a fateful decision that will change the course of history. Authors Kathleen O'Neal Gear and W. Michael Gear recreate a pivotal time in American history, based on research and keen insights into the motivations of the Europeans and the Native Americans, in their sweeping epic novel Coming of the Storm - Book One of Contact: The Battle for America.

Kathleen O'Neal Gear (photo left) and Michael Gear are professional archeologists who bring their extensive research to their extraordinary story. They draw the characters of Black Shell and Pearl Hand from careful study of the Native Americans of Florida. The realistic portrayal of the people who lived in America brings life to the book. It also creates a gripping immediacy, as the lives of the characters come to life. At the same time, the authors demonstrate that the Native Americans were not helpless victims, easily over run by the Spanish invaders, but as a powerful and proud people, ready to fight to defend their homes and families. This reappraisal of Native American history rings true as the authors share their expertise through the characters and story.

W. Michael Gear (photo left) and Kathleen O'Neal Gear bring their research to bear on the mythology that has grown up around Spanish explorer Hernando De Soto. In the capable hands of the authors and their study of history, the myth of de Soto as hero is replaced by the real facts of his arrival in America. Cruel and brutal, and driven by greed, de Soto is shown for the selfish and heartless person that he was in his life. The clash of cultures in the book is not only one of Europeans and First Nations people, but also of far different values of what is important and how to measure true wealth. Black Shell, fearing for the lives of his people, learns first hand of the brutality and lust for riches that de Soto represents. Black Shell must make the choice of thinking only of himself and Pearl Hand, or strive to be part of something larger than himself. His choice sets him apart from de Soto, and shows that courage and selflessness can defeat greed and evil.
I highly recommend the historically accurate and research based novel Coming of the Storm - Book One of Contact: The Battle for America by Kathleen O'Neal Gear and W. Michael Gear, to anyone seeking both a compelling dramatic novel and a study of history as it really unfolded. The authors recreate a long since departed world of Native America, and how the original inhabitants of America fought hard to preserve their home and way of life. The stark realism of the book draws the reader into a world both strange and familiar, and shares characters who remain with the reader long after the book is completed.
Read the gripping and spellbinding book Coming of the Storm - Book One of Contact: The Battle for America by Kathleen O'Neal Gear and W. Michael Gear, and get caught up in the story of a people who were proud and stood tall against cruel and uncaring invaders. The book will leave you with a richer understanding of Native American life in Florida, and with a deeper feeling for the people and their very important place in history.