The Triangle of Truth
The Surprisingly Simple Secret to Resolving Conflicts Large and Small
By: Lisa Earle McLeod
Published: January 5, 2010
Format: Hardcover, 240pp
ISBN-13: 9780399535673
ISBN-10: 0399535675
Publisher: Perigee/Penguin Group
"I call it The Triangle of Truth. It's the ability to hold two seemingly conflicting ideas in your mind at the same time, and assimilate them in a way that makes their whole greater than the sum of their parts", writes nationally syndicated columnist, business consultant and inspirational thought leader Lisa Earle McLeod, in her thought provoking, conflict resolution book The Triangle of Truth: The Surprisingly Simple Secret to Resolving Conflicts Large and Small. The author draws upon the wisdom of the ages, and her own personal life experience, as she outlines the power of collaboration with those who at first glance would be opponents, removing the idea of unsatisfactory compromise, and discovering solutions that embrace the best features of all points of view.
Lisa Earle McLeod understands that people think in an either/or manner, as it's hardwired into the reptilian part of our brains. Instead of acting from fear, as the default position, the author shares the concept of embracing other points of view and accepting their wisdom as well. The world of politics, business, and even our personal lives contain countless examples of this false either/or false dichotomy. As Lisa Earle McLeod points out, it's as if both sides of the discussion put their hands over their ears and refuse to listen to the other person. This fear of listening results from a hidden fear that a person may not hold the whole truth at all. Indeed, the author finds there is truth in both positions. Instead of looking only at the "or" part of the discussion, she suggests looking at how the "and" concept of combining the complementary parts of the equation.

Lisa Earle McLeod (photo left) presents the reader with an entirely new lens through which to view the world. That new worldview involves thinking about people, issues, ideas, and events in an entirely new way. This new thinking shows that two seemingly opposite points of view can be both true, and when the opposing ideas are combined, they will reveal a higher truth. Instead of stalemate, the Triangle points toward a new and mutually beneficial solution. Holding two different ideas in the mind at the same time requires a reframing and a fresh understanding of others. Recognizing that everyone is flawed and that everyone is wonderful, while understanding that person can accept facts unflinchingly while retaining unwavering faith, creates a new and more realistic way of looking at ideas. Through love and acceptance of others, the road to positive new solutions and ideas can be discovered by everyone concerned.
For me, the power of the book, is how Lisa Earle McLeod turns disputes, that on their surface seem unsolvable, and provides a powerful and positive approach to finding more than simple and unsatisfying compromise. Instead of insisting that their is only one correct solution or answer, the Triangle of Truth creates opportunities for combining those one sided ideas into an even greater whole. When a person accepts they don't have all the answers, and welcomes the change to really listen to other points of view, the process of resolution can begin in earnest. At the same time, being willing to face often harsh facts, while having faith that everything will turn out well in the end, will lead to exciting new and even better solutions. Those results are very likely better than any of the preconceived outcomes demanded by the participants at the beginning of using the Triangle technique.
I highly recommend the transformational book The Triangle of Truth: The Surprisingly Simple Secret to Resolving Conflicts Large and Small by Lisa Earle McLeod, to anyone seeking a new and practical technique for finding solutions to seemingly endless conflicts. Even if the Triangle of Truth concept is only applied in a partial manner, it can still provide the impetus for ending stalemates and moving beyond the either/or false dichotomy that creates the basis of gridlock. In its place, the power of collaboration will uncover endless possibilities for building a better world and more satisfied lives.
Read the empowering and visionary book The Triangle of Truth: The Surprisingly Simple Secret to Resolving Conflicts Large and Small by Lisa Earle McLeod, and discover how to find common ground between ideas thought previously to have none. Instead of unsettled argument and hurt feelings, true understanding and love will open one's mind to reaching for and embracing a higher purpose. In the end, everyone will be happier and more united in their resolution than ever imagined by any of the participants.