Well known California interior designer, and owner of several decorating stores, Laurie Ann McMillin Ray, was kind enough to answer a few questions about her practical and easy to understand book At Home with Laurie Ann. She shares some money saving, and easy to apply tips and secrets for designing the home of your dreams on a very limited budget.
Thanks to Laurie Ann for her time and for her wonderful responses. They are greatly appreciated.
What was the background to writing this book At Home with Laurie Ann?
Laurie Ann McMillin Ray: I wanted to share my knowledge and inspire those who want to make their homes reflections of their personalities and lifestyles.
Many home decorating books have such complicated designs that they are well beyond the budget of the average person. Your book takes a different approach. How does your book help a person create a designer look on a tiny budget?
Laurie Ann McMillin Ray: I’m teaching people to look beyond designer showrooms and be creative in the ways they shop and to freshen up pieces they already have.
You recommend starting with the furniture and items that the home owner or renter already owns. What do you mean by that idea?
Laurie Ann McMillin Ray: A simple start to making a home fresh and new without getting rid of everything a person owns is to begin by looking at the furniture one already has and picking out the pieces they love. The initial home design will begin with those pieces — the beloved pieces will dictate the style and colors that the home will take on.
You suggest finding one's own style. How does a person who believes they have little style or is new to the idea of decorating create a personal style?
Laurie Ann McMillin Ray: Although someone may think they have no style, there are different design elements that they will find themselves attracted to, i.e., certain colors, particular furniture pieces, definite fabric prints, etc. Start by looking through home magazines, keeping in mind that you may not like the entire room; but if there is an item that stands out, make note of it. A pattern will eventually emerge — identifying your style.

Laurie Ann McMillin Ray (photo left)
One of your interesting ideas is going room by room. How does this not only help affordability but create distinctive designs?
Laurie Ann McMillin Ray: It helps with distinctive design because all your energy will be focused on that particular room and you won’t feel so scattered.
How can the use of color, pattern, and layers completely transform the look of a room?
Laurie Ann McMillin Ray: The color changes the mood, the pattern affects the energy and layering adds interest and dimension.
As families change in size, people move to new locations, and interests and careers change as well. How can these different stages of life be included in new and exciting looks without spending a lot of money?
Laurie Ann McMillin Ray: When first beginning to decorate your home and shopping for major furniture pieces, invest in higher quality items and keep the color pallet of these pieces neutral — then the selections can grow with you. And when the time comes, walls can be painted and accessories and pillows can be easily replaced or updated to reflect your ever-changing lifestyle.
Do you have hard and fast rules for every occasion as some designers tell us to follow?
Laurie Ann McMillin Ray: I believe rules are meant to be broken and there are no boundaries when it comes to design. All that matters is that you love your home and the way you feel when you are there — decorate toward those goals.
How can a home be freshened up to a new look with little investment in cost and time?
Laurie Ann McMillin Ray: Change out your pillows, rearrange your furniture in ways you may not haven’t thought of the first time, paint furniture to give it a new look, replace kitchen knobs, add a slipcover to your sofa. Even new placemats and kitchen towels can make a “fresh” difference.
Should we be sure to remember our lawns, backyards, decks, and gardens too?
Laurie Ann McMillin Ray: You should never ignore your outdoor space because it is a reflection of what is inside. In essence, it’s the final room of your home.
What is the most important piece of advice you can give to a person who is intimidated by the idea of decorating their home?
Laurie Ann McMillin Ray: There is no need to be intimidated if you start small — the rest will fall into place.
What is next for Laurie Ann McMillin Ray?
Laurie Ann McMillin Ray: I’m going to continue helping people create for their families homes they all love. Whether that means opening more decorating boutiques or writing additional books, I don’t know at this point; but I’m certainly excited about the future because decorating is my passion, my friend, my favorite pastime.
My book review of At Home with Laurie Ann by Laurie Ann McMillin Ray.