Co-founder and Second Banana of the personal and community fundraising site www.GiveForward.org, Ethan Austin, who along with colleague Desiree Vargas, was kind enough to take the time to answer some questions about their grassroots organization.
Thanks to Ethan Austin, Desiree Vargas, GiveFoward.org, and their representatives for their assistance and their time.
What is the mission of GiveForward, and how does the organization help fundraising efforts?
Ethan Austin: Our goal is to provide a simple and effective way for people over the world to contribute financially to a loved one's recovery from illnesses like cancer. We do this by giving users free, personal fundraising pages where friends and family can donate online with their credit cards to help defray loved ones' medical, living and travel expenses not covered by insurance.
What sort of help does GiveForward provide for fundraisers large or small?
Ethan Austin: Whether we're helping a large non-profit organization or a first-time fundraiser raising money for her sister's chemo treatments, we try to inject as much humanity and compassion as possible into each user's experience. Sometimes that may mean writing a press release or calling up a local newspaper to help a fundraiser get some media attention. Other times it may mean recommending a cancer support organization to an individual to help with the emotional aspects of cancer entirely outside of the fundraising realm.
Can GiveForward assist someone creating a page for one person even if that person is not part of a larger organization?
Ethan Austin: Definitely. In fact, more than 80% of the fundraisers on the site are for individuals battling illnesses like cancer.

Ethan Austin (photo left)
What other types of online support is provided by GiveForward when a site is created to ensure its success, especially if the person has no previous fundraising experience?
Ethan Austin: We take great pride in being very hands on about teaching people how to fundraise effectively. We send out an email to each new user when they sign up for the site that directs them to our fundraising blog with lots of tip and strategies. We also have two fundraising coaches on staff whose primary responsibilities are to help teach our users how to be more successful fundraisers. Fundraising isn't the easiest thing in the world, but when people use our tips, they generally succeed.
Could you provide some examples of successful fundraising efforts that has the assistance and guidance of GiveForward?
Ethan Austin: Last year a young woman was raising money for her sister's kidney transplant and asked for our help. We came up with the idea to do a 24-hour Facebook Awareness campaign for them where people "donated" their Facebook status message for a day. Thousands of people ended up visiting their fundraising page, making it go "viral". In the end, the sisters ended up raising over $31,000 and were able to get a life saving kidney transplant. www.giveforward.org/jess
More recently, the organizer of a fundraiser for a young father with renal cancer emailed us because they had reached their $10,000 target so quickly and asked if it was appropriate to increase their goal. We told them it was definitely appropriate and drafted the language they used to email their friends and family notifying them of the change. Just five days after they increased the goal, they had raised an additional $15,000 for his treatment! www.giveforward.org/johan
It appears from the GiveForward website that even one person can make an important contribution toward creating a better world and helping others. Is that a core belief that is held by GiveForward?
Ethan Austin: Definitely. Our whole philosophy is that one person may not be able to change the world all by herself. But each person does have the ability to change someone's world. For instance, we had a user who once received a $3 donation and a $1000 donation in the same day for her multiple sclerosis treatment. She later told us that the $3 donation meant more to her than the $1000 donation because the woman it came from was actually in worse financial shape than she was. To be sure, the generosity of our community never ceases to amaze us!
What is the first step a person should take toward setting up a fundraising site with GiveForward?
Ethan Austin: Go to www.GiveForward.org and click the green button that says "start fundraising". It's a pretty simple process. We like to say that if you can send an email, you can set up a fundraising page.
What is next for GiveForward and what does the future hold for the organization?
Ethan Austin: 2010 is all about partnerships for us. Since the new year, we've partnered with a lot of great cancer organizations like the Colon Cancer Alliance, Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation and the Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults. Our goal is to continue partnering with non-profit health organizations and hospitals to spread word to patients and families who could benefit from our services.