Indispensable By Monday
Learn the Profit-Producing Behaviors that will Help Your Company and Yourself
By: Larry Myler
Published: February 2, 2010
Format: Hardcover, 173 pages
ISBN-10: 0470554770
ISBN-13: 978-0470554777
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
"Creating profit for your company is always your best approach, in good times or bad", writes CEO of More or Less Inc, and employee training expert Larry Myler, in his practical, career building book Indispensable By Monday: Learn the Profit-Producing Behaviors that will Help Your Company and Yourself. The author describes, in no nonsense language, how generating profit for your company is the most critical aspect of being regarded as a valuable employee.
Larry Myler recognizes the value in being well dressed, visible, and going above and beyond the letter of an employee's job description. What he recommends, however, is creating profit for the organization as being of even more crucial importance. The employee who creates profit for the business, through increased revenue, lower costs, or a combination of both, will be seen as creating value. In a good economy, a profitable employee is valuable to an organization. In difficult economic times, creating more profit than an employee costs is essential to avoid layoffs and corporate downsizing. Larry Myler demonstrates clearly how an employee can build those profit centers and boost the company bottom line in any economy.

Larry Myler (photo left) understands that adding financial value to an organization is vital for employees in today's recessionary economy. Through innovative ideas for enhancing revenue and for reducing costs, an employee adds value to the company. That additional value is sought after by all employers, and someone who can deliver results will be in high demand. Improving efficiency and implementing better processes will also help an employee stand out from the crowd. The author points out that simply achieving profitable results isn't always enough, however. To gain more recognition from superiors, Larry Myler describes the importance of quantifying value to the company in a personal account of the employee's profit creation. This information is critical for job evaluation and for resume purposes, as it demonstrates value creation.
For me, the power of the book is how Larry Myler describes, in no uncertain terms, how the conventional wisdom for staying employed may not work in a tough economy. Instead, the author emphasizes the importance of building company profits, and quantifying the achievements for performance appraisals. Unlike other books on being regarded as an indispensable employee, Larry Myler focuses his attention on generating profits for the company. In place of simply presenting theory, the author provides many actionable techniques for boosting revenues, cutting costs, and improving efficiency. While not discounting the conventional advice given to employees, Larry Myler creates a quantifiable program for becoming an employee who will be retained and rewarded in any economy.
I highly recommend the essential guide to transforming oneself into a financial superstar Indispensable By Monday: Learn the Profit-Producing Behaviors that will Help Your Company and Yourself by Larry Myler, to anyone seeking the real truth about how to be a key employee. Rather than offering platitudes about the value of hard work, the author dispenses powerful profit building concepts that can be utilized effectively in any organization.
Read the value enhancing book Indispensable By Monday: Learn the Profit-Producing Behaviors that will Help Your Company and Yourself by Larry Myler, and boost your company's profits. At the same time, you will learn how to receive the proper credit for your valuable contribution to the business and its bottom line.