Giving bloggers the business

Business blog writing leads to more business thinking.

At least, that's the case with me.

I wrote a post the other day about how bloggers can form business alliances and create new business ventures.

Being in an entrepreneurial state of mind most of the time, I was thinking about what sorts of businesses that blogging friends and associates could form. The opportunities, especially in services to business management, are immense.

Small startup businesses routinely require outsourced expertise. That's where a blogging team company can step right in and be of service. The blogging community has expertise in areas ranging from writing to public relations to marketing to search engine optimization. These are often the needs most in demand for smaller businesses.

Larger corporations are heavily outsourcing their jobs as well. Much of that work can be done very well by an alliance of bloggers. Working as a group, the blogging service company can take over the roles that corporations formerly performed in house. Blogging associates will be able to perform the jobs, on a contract basis, more cheaply and efficiently in many cases.

What ever the business area, a group of bloggers can do the job. By maintaining contact via telephone, instant messenger, e-mail, and even virtual meetings, the bloggers can maintain close contact with one another on a day to day basis. Being apart geographically is not the barrier it once was prior to the modern telecommunications revolution.

By pooling their talents and skills, a group of bloggers will be able to form a very viable and profitable internet based company. There are really no limits to what can be achieved.

Many bloggers are freelancing or facing limited employment options in the traditional job market. By forming business alliances with other bloggers, members of the blogosphere can create their own jobs.

A marketing blogger joins with a public relations blogger and a financial blogger and a business is formed. Blend in a customer service expert and a copywriter, and just like that, a sales and marketing company is formed.

Search engine optimization bloggers can join with internet marketers and computer programmers and website developers to form full service website companies.

Product based companies, can add marketers and an entire distribution system, from joining with other talented bloggers as well.

All that is required is to get together with other bloggers, and discuss the possibilities. The talks may lead nowhere, or they may lead in directions no one imagined at the outset.

No one really knows for sure until they open discussion channels with other members of the blogging community. Start out with bloggers who you know well, and who you feel you can trust. After all, trust is by far the most important element in a business partnership and alliance.

Get the details in writing so everyone fully understands their rights and responsibilities.

The spirit of entrepreneurship and independence will prevail.

All we need to do now is get those blogger formed businesses underway.

Considering the talent in the blogging community, the sky is the limit, as far as ideas are concerned.

Create some blogging business alliances today.

You may be starting a brand new business career.

All because of your blog!
