Work overload and blogging

Did you ever have one of those days where you had so much work to do, by a certain date, that you felt you would never get it completed?

After that rather long and convoluted sentence (I like to write them once in awhile), perhaps bloggers should examine time management and overextending themselves.

Or not.

One of the joys of blogging is the feeling of accomplishment that you derive from writing. In fact, one of the major reasons given for starting a blog is to have the opportunity to write freely. That freedom can extend to writing a post about any topic you choose.

You don't have an impatient editor, who may know less than you do about the topic at hand, barking orders about how your masterpiece should unfold. You are writer and editor and publisher.

As a blogger, you get to wear all of the hats.

Unfortunately, other obligations in our lives don't always provide that level of choice and latitude. Instead, the work and writing assignments are often precisely that. Assignments.

One of the issues that arises with required writing is that of procrastination. Writing that article on the widget and how it grew just doesn't get your creative juices flowing. The other jobs in your life aren't much better options either.

Perhaps a little time management is needed.

Do the most important tasks first. It's always a relief to get those jobs completed. They are your bread and butter livelihood.

If a job isn't required, and is low priority, it is probably a good idea to reschedule it for a slower time in your life. As if.

In any case, no one will complain if you are forced by life's circumstances to skip a day or two of blogging. Simply go about your non-blogging life, and return to the page, when you are able to spare the time.

Be sure to take some time for yourself.

You have earned it.

And as a blogger, you deserve it!
