My Smart Man interview on Lip-Sticking

Yvonne Divita, of Lip-Sticking, is one of the leading marketing bloggers writing on the internet today.

As a marketer, Yvonne has broken new ground, in the fast growing field of marketing online to women. Her insights into the many ways to make your website female friendly, and to market your products to women, are a must read for everyone.

Failure to understand how to market to women, can result in a loss of countless sales, for your online business. Yvonne offers practical and proven ways to prevent that problem from ever arising.

As a service to her her readers, Yvonne has instituted a regular interview series with various business and marketing bloggers. Each week she chooses either a "Smart Woman" or a "Smart Man" to answer some difficult but probing questions on blogging, business, and marketing.

I was given the distinct honour of being chosen to be interviewed for her Lip-Sticking "Smart Man" series.

In the interview, I discuss how I started blogging, getting high search engine rankings (SEO), and offering information freely for the benefit of others.

Following the e-mail interview, I was privileged to have Yvonne phone me. We discussed the same general topics, in a more indepth manner, via telephone.

If you haven't been reading the business and marketing advice offered by Yvonne Divita of Lip-Sticking, you have been missing a lot.

I would recommend reading Lip-Sticking on a daily basis.

I never miss a single day!
