LEAP! 101 Ways To Grow Your Business
By: Stephanie Chandler
Published: September 20, 2009
Format: Paperback, 255 pages
ISBN-10: 1601630794
ISBN-13: 978-1601630797
Publisher: Career Press
"As business owners, we want the flexibility and freedom that is supposed to come with owning our own companies, yet many of us have no idea what it looks like", writes best selling business book author and entrepreneur Stephanie Chandler, in her highly practical step by step guide to business growth LEAP! 101 Ways To Grow Your Business. The author shares easy to understand tips, that are proven business builders in the real world, to help any entrepreneur grow a business, while creating valuable personal time for maintaining balance in one's life.
Stephanie Chandler is a successful entrepreneur, who draws on the valuable knowledge and insights of many of the leading thinkers in business planning, management, and marketing. She sets up her book in four major sections that form her LEAP business building strategy:
* Leverage
* Execute
* Accelerate
* Prosper
The concepts are powerful in their simplicity. Using your many resources and planning the business create the Leverage. Taking positive action on the developed plan forms the Execute. Picking up the pace and taking a huge step forward are what build the Accelerate. Reaping both business and personal rewards while keeping the business flowing smoothly create the Prosper. Taken together, Stephanie Chandler establishes the framework for applying proven techniques to take the business to the next level.

Stephanie Chandler (photo left) combines business planning with strong follow through activities that will transform any small business into a more effective, efficient, and profitable company. She provides helpful and very easy to apply ideas for developing a solid business plan that combines strong money management techniques with powerful marketing concepts. The author demonstrates how to utilize online and offline marketing channels to enhance sales, while automating the system and generating unlimited customer referral business. At the same time, Stephanie Chandler helps the business person to generate media attention, from both traditional media outlets and from online media sources.
For me, the power of the book is its easy to follow format for developing and enhancing any business enterprise. The concepts presented in the book are proven business boosters, and work well in any economy. In today's uncertain economic times, any book that shares business ideas that generate revenue and grow the company, should be given strong consideration. Not only does Stephanie Chandler share her own strong business expertise, but the book is packed with interviews and advice from many of the leading entrepreneurial minds in the business. The result is a book that helps to plan a successful company, and then provides the essential tools to make those plans a reality.
I highly recommend the business growing book LEAP! 101 Ways To Grow Your Business by Stephanie Chandler, to any entrepreneur seeking a highly readable and hands on book to make their company a success. The no nonsense approach used in the book makes it a handy guide that can be referred to over and over again, whenever a business problem should arise. Every page contains a usable piece of valuable wisdom that can be put into action immediately.
Read the small business transformational book LEAP! 101 Ways To Grow Your Business by Stephanie Chandler, and put the four LEAP steps into action in your company. You will be pleased at how your profits jump and your personal rewards become ever greater over time.