Six Pixels of Separation
Everyone Is Connected. Connect Your Business to Everyone
By: Mitch Joel
Publoshed: September 7, 2009
Format: Hardcover, 304pp
ISBN-13: 9780446548236
ISBN: 0446548235
Publisher: Business Plus
"In the digital world there are no degrees of separation between you and your customers", writes online marketing expert and President of Twist Image, Mitch Joel, in his essential guide to the new media landscape Six Pixels of Separation: Everyone Is Connected. Connect Your Business to Everyone. The author describes how to build a successful business online through building trust, communicating in an authentic voice, and providing real value for the customer.
Mitch Joel understands the power of the internet, and how to employ its growing army of new media tools, to build a successful business. The use of free social media, including Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube, provide the foundation for creating and developing a profitable enterprise. Surprisingly, for Mitch Joel, the concept of creating and enhancing both a business and a personal brand online is still in its infancy. The concept that everyone is connected to everyone else, and just one click of the computer mouse away, is both empowering and frightening for many business people. The author points out that the value of social media for business is in its slow relationship building process, and in the the exchange of message control for conversation. Such revolutionary concepts are often in conflict with many traditional marketing techniques.

Mitch Joel (photo left) shares many subtle insights int to the nature of the internet connected virtual world. Where other business people may see clutter and disarray, the author finds patterns and the hidden strengths of free social media tools, and the force that Google and the other search engines play in defining your business and personal brand. While offering many practical tips for utilizing the various social media in the best and most effective manner, Mitch Joel also describes the underlying aspects of providing valuable content and for making connections with other people. The author also understands the profound difference between the internet tools as the means, and not the end, in and of themselves. They only provide the platform, while the person using them must communicate effectively and authentically through them with others. Connection with others is the key to success.
For me, the power of the book is Mitch Joel's deep understanding of the still untapped internet business opportunities awaiting the entrepreneur, while recognizing that only through building trust and connections is that possible. The internet is a powerful tool, and it can also be used incorrectly. The various social media sites require patience and participation, and the providing of helpful information. That free sharing of ideas and honest assistance builds trust with others, and helps the business person build an online community of like minded people. Those connections turn into business relationships, while anyone not respecting the necessity of relationship building over time, will fail at internet business. A business or personal brand can be destroyed very quickly, and Google indexes that failure forever.
I highly recommend the insightful and essential internet guide book Six Pixels of Separation: Everyone Is Connected. Connect Your Business to Everyone by Mitch Joel, to anyone seeking to develop and online business, and who wants to do it the right way. Mitch Joel combines the theoretical framework of building on the inherent internet connectedness with proven techniques for developing and enhancing those connections into community. At the same time, the author dispels many myths about the internet, and warns about the pitfalls awaiting an entrepreneur who fails to build trust, be authentic, and to provide value for others.
Read the important and highly practical book Six Pixels of Separation: Everyone Is Connected. Connect Your Business to Everyone by Mitch Joel, and embark on your journey into the crucial, emerging world of the internet. No longer are people looking at the well known adage of six degrees of separation. In the online virtual global village, a person is only one mouse click away. Those six degrees have transformed themselves into six pixels, and that critical insight by author Mitch Joel, is the key that can unlock a successful online business.