Big Shoes
How Successful Leaders Grow into New Roles
By: Sander A. Flaum
Published: October 3, 2009
Format: Paperback, 134 pages
ISBN-10: 1449511775
ISBN-13: 978-1449511777
Publisher: LeaderShape Publishing
"Starting a new job in today's economic climate is a lot like stepping into the front lines of a war zone", writes CEO of Flaum Partners and leadership expert Sander A. Flaum, in his practical and very timely book Big Shoes: How Successful Leaders Grow into New Roles. The author shares career management advice and wisdom, for the rising stars in their organizations, who find themselves thrust into leadership roles.
Sander Flaum understands that the turmoil of the current uncertain economy places executives under greater scrutiny. As a result, companies are seeking innovative new leaders with vision and integrity. The author serves as a guide and mentor to these new leaders, and shares his wisdom for achieving success, while maintaining a balanced work and home life. For Sander Flaum, the first 100 days in a new leadership role are critical for the success of a rising star executive. The author shares timeless ideas for creating early successes, that create a pattern of success, that helps build a dedicated and engaged staff. At the same time, Sander Flaum recommends changing organizational thinking from the imposing of artificial deadlines to that of creating and delivering the best possible products and services to the marketplace.

Sander A. Flaum (photo left) recognizes that many pitfalls await the unwary new leader, and he provides some sage advice for making those first 100 days stand out within the company. Failure to make a strong and positive first impression on shareholders and company superiors can derail a promising career. Getting to know the staff and developing key personnel, while providing both vision and focus, will establish a strong team for future success. The author suggests branding oneself as an innovator, who achieves results. As a mentor, Sander Flaum reminds the new leader that multi-tasking, failure to maintain focus, and a lack of innovative thinking can harm productivity and the teams. The author also advises the new executive to live a balanced life between work and home as all people need a rest for their mind, body, and spirit.
For me, the power of the book is how Sander Flaum shares timeless wisdom in a new and relevant way for today's business environment. Sander Flaum shares his lifelong experience in an easy to read format that turns the book from theory to practical guidebook for constant referral. The author takes the unusual, but highly effective approach to mentoring leaders, of placing the material in chronological order. On the surface, it might seem trivial but in fact turns the easy to read book into an even more powerful management tool. Sander Flaum starts by giving advice to the new leader, from the first day of the critical 100 day honeymoon period, in the new role. He continues his advice as the rising star builds a strong team and establishes a track record of innovation and success. The author then continues mentoring and guiding the leader throughout a successful career.
I highly recommend the essential guide for rising stars Big Shoes: How Successful Leaders Grow into New Roles by Sander Flaum, to anyone seeking sage and timeless advice for becoming successful in a new leadership role. As many executives find themselves pushed into new positions, through upheavals in companies, in entire industries, and in the overall economy, the need for innovative leaders with integrity has never been more important. The author shares his experience with these rising company stars when they need it most.
Read the timeless and insightful book Big Shoes: How Successful Leaders Grow into New Roles by Sander Flaum, and turn those first 100 days into a springboard for future success. The reader will learn the crucial steps toward becoming the innovative and change driven leader who will meet the challenges of today and tomorrow with integrity, vision, and a balanced life.