Leadership expert, and CEO of Flaum Partners, and author of the practical and very timely book Big Shoes: How Successful Leaders Grow into New Roles, Sander A. Flaum recognizes that in today's economy, many rising stars are being thrust into top leadership roles, often without advice or support. Many new leaders are tentative and unsure of their direction. Sander Flaum provides the advice and mentoring necessary for new leaders to make a positive impression, and demonstrate innovative thinking, in their first 100 days in their new roles. He warns that multitasking is the enemy of excellent performance and shares his thoughts on the dangers of meeting deadlines whatever the cost.
Sander Flaum is my internet radio show guest on Blog Business Success; hosted live on Blog Talk Radio.
The show airs live on Thursday, January 7, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time; 5:00 pm Pacific Time.
Leadership expert, and CEO of Flaum Partners, and author of the practical and very timely book Big Shoes: How Successful Leaders Grow into New Roles, Sander A. Flaum recognizes that in today's economy, many rising stars are being thrust into top leadership roles, often without advice or support. You will learn:
* Why rising stars are being pushed into leadership roles at a rapid rate
* Why the first 100 days are critical for a new leader
* How to brand a new leader as an innovator and agent of change
* Why it's important for a new leader to balance work and life

Sander A. Flaum (photo left) is CEO of Flaum Partners, a leading healthcare consultancy focused on transformational thinking for the pharmaceutical and biotech industries. Additionally, Sander is Adjunct Professor of Management at the Fordham Graduate School of Business where he founded and chairs the Fordham Leadership Forum. Sander chairs the American Institute for Stuttering and serves on the boards of Fordham Graduate School of Business, Fisher College of Business at The Ohio State University, and The James Cancer Center.
Prior to launching Flaum Partners in 2004, Sander was Chairman and CEO of Robert A. Becker, Euro RSCG where he led a global team that introduced six blockbuster $2 Billion healthcare brands. In 2002, Medical Advertising News named Sander its Man of the Year. In 2008, Sander was honored with the Ohio State University Alumni “Professional Achievement” award.
Previous to Becker, Sander worked for 18 years at Lederle Laboratories which merged into Wyeth in 1994. From 1974-1982, in his capacity as Marketing Director of ethical and biologic products, Sander was responsible for the introduction of a wide range of Lederle prescription and biologic products. In all, he has directed over 80 product launches and restagings.
Sander has authored over 90 articles on marketing, management, and leadership. He writes a monthly column on leadership for MedAdNews magazine and the American Management Association’s MWorld. A featured speaker on a wide range of subjects including: The Future of the Pharmaceutical Industry and the Impact on Your Health Care; Invitation to Innovate: Unleashing Your Competitive Edge; and Apprenticeship to Leadership, Sander’s speaking credits include The American Management Association, New York Society of Security Analysts, The National Medicare Prescription Drug Congress and numerous domestic and international marketing and management conferences.
Sander completed his first book in 2006, co-authored with his son Jonathon - The 100 Mile Walk: A Father and Son on a Quest to Find the Essence of Leadership (AMACOM) for which the authors were awarded the Hazan-Polsky Prize for outstanding business books.
Sander received his undergraduate degree from The Ohio State University and earned his MBA from Fairleigh Dickinson University magna cum laude.
My book review of Big Shoes: How Successful Leaders Grow into New Roles by Sander A. Flaum.
Listen live on Thursday at 8:00 pm Eastern, 5:00 pm Pacific time.

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To call in questions for my guest, the number is: (347) 996-5832
Let's talk with leadership expert, and CEO of Flaum Partners, and author of the practical and very timely book Big Shoes: How Successful Leaders Grow into New Roles, Sander A. Flaum who recognizes that in today's economy, many rising stars are being thrust into top leadership roles, often without advice or support. Many new leaders are tentative and unsure of their direction. Sander Flaum provides the advice and mentoring necessary for new leaders to make a positive impression, and demonstrate innovative thinking, in their first 100 days in their new roles. He warns that multitasking is the enemy of excellent performance and shares his thoughts on the dangers of meeting deadlines whatever the cost on Blog Business Success Radio.