Passion, Plan, Profit
12 Simple Steps to Turn Your Passion into a Solid Business
By: Christy Strauch
Published: June 1, 2009
Format: Paperback: 304 pages
ISBN-10: 0984055703
ISBN-13: 978-0984055708
Publisher: The Printed Voice
"Many people fear, or even completely avoid, trying to make a living doing the things they do best - the work that calls to them from their heart", writes business coach and entrepreneur Christy Strauch in her valuable and very hands on book Passion, Plan, Profit: 12 Simple Steps to Turn Your Passion into a Solid Business. The author guide the aspiring entrepreneur through a step by step process, that can turn a creative passion into a profitable business, through clarity and accountability.
Christy Strauch understands the fears and concerns faced by every potential small business owner at the prospect of starting their own company. These fears are especially acute in creative, right brained thinkers who believe they lack the analytical skills and aptitude with numbers to succeed as entrepreneurs. For the author, having passion and love for your work are fundamental building blocks for developing a successful business, and these are the qualities that are foremost in creative people. To take the mystery out of such standard business concepts as business plans, a unique selling proposition, marketing, and customer service, Christy Strauch has created a powerful, easy to understand workbook style format to guide the entrepreneur through the entire process.

Christy Strauch (photo left) understands the reluctance that many creative people have in starting a business, including the necessity to charge a fee for their work. The author points out that what comes easily to one person may be very difficult, or close to impossible for another. As a result, the business person must not let their love of their work sabotage their need to make a living. Christy Strauch shows the small business owner how to find their clarity of purpose, and to develop a strong business plan, based on that clear vision. At the same time, the author removes the fear of numbers, and teaches the entrepreneur how to understand the language being spoken by those numbers. The numbers on the page all have a narrative and story to tell, and Christy Strauch shows the creative person how to read and understand their hidden message.
For me, the power of the book is how Christy Strauch turns what is a basic small business primer into a full course on entrepreneurship. The book is written as an interactive work book, complete with lessons and homework, that gently forces the creative individual to learn the essentials of business. In fact, the lessons are so complete, that they are valuable for any small business person to complete. The author writes in a language, and presents the concepts in a format, that is accessible and understandable for both right brained and left brained business people, creating a whole brained approach to business. While the main focus of the book is about business planning, understanding the numbers, and becoming a better marketer, the book also contains a critical message about maintaining a moral compass. For any business person, maintaining one's values and passion are very important, and are the essential guiding star for the company vision itself.
I highly recommend the practical and business transformational book Passion, Plan, Profit: 12 Simple Steps to Turn Your Passion into a Solid Business by Christy Strauch, to anyone who seeks to turn a passion into a successful company. This book describes how to clarify your vision and to utilize accountable business practices to make those dreams a reality. Christy Strauch emphasizes that business owners must follow their passion, as one can only b e truly happy and true themselves by doing what they love most.
Read the business demystifying book Passion, Plan, Profit: 12 Simple Steps to Turn Your Passion into a Solid Business by Christy Strauch, and discover how to turn your passion into the business of your dreams, while staying true to your creative spirit and maintaining your moral compass.