Founder and CEO of Madison Financial Management LLC, speaker, money coach and author of the inspirational and life changing book Live It, Love It, Earn It: A Woman's Guide to Financial Freedom, Marianna Olszewski, was kind enough to take the time to answer a few questions about her book.
Marianna Olszewski describes how all women can achieve financial independence and live the lives of their dreams. She shares what holds people back from their own success, and discusses how many women from modest backgrounds have gained financial freedom.
Thanks to Marianna Olszewski for answering these questions. It's greatly appreciated.
What was the background to writing this book Live It, Love It, Earn It: A Woman's Guide to Financial Freedom?
Marianna Olszewski: My book is about Living the life you want, Loving the life you have and Earning enough to create it on your own. I am from very humble beginnings, growing up in a small town in NJ, all 7 of us living in a small apartment above a butcher shop. I was the first to go to college, follow my dream to start my own business and made millions in my early thirties – a true American success story. Now I spend my days helping empower other women overcome financial challenges – facing mountains of debt, landing a first job, dealing with unemployment, changing careers in midstream, and going solo after a divorce among them. My vision is to help women feel more energized, optimistic and confident with their life and their money.
The book contains several stories of successful women who overcame obstacles. Can other women achieve the same or even greater levels of financial freedom?
Marianna Olszewski: Yes! All of us women can overcome obstacles, achieve wealth and live the life we really want. It’s doable. Following my practical tips and success secrets in my book and learning from the experience, strength and hope of other successful women makes it easier. By having a money buddy (a like-minded woman who shares your goal to create wealth) or by forming a money group to go over the powerful tools in my book, women will experience something magical. Abundance, wealth and happiness are just around the corner.
Many people have trouble embracing the idea for financial freedom. What holds people back from financial security and achieving financial independence?
Marianna Olszewski: We must change our financial thinking and our attitude around money and realize that there is nothing wrong with, and everything right about wanting, making, and having money. In my book we uncover your fears and anxieties around money, change your past attitudes and replace old money messages with new positive affirmations. All of us have the power to create happiness, control our destiny and become financially free and independent.

Marianna Olszewski (photo left)
What are some of the causes of financial hardship even when a woman is healthy, employed, and also earning a good salary?
Marianna Olszewski: Not having a financial plan. I suggest everyone have a Fun Spending Plan, which is a flexible plan of where you want to spend your money and where your money is coming from. It gives you the power to choose what you want to do with our money on paper – if you want to save for a vacation, buy a home, how much goes to paying bills, getting our of debt etc. By using a FSP you can plan for and afford everything you need and want and tweak it at anytime. You are in control of your money.
You describe the concept of falling in love with your money. What do you mean by that?
Marianna Olszewski: Having a good relationship with your money. Many women ignore their money or “put their head in the sand”, not wanting to look at bills, expenses or bank statements. If you ignore a friend or treat it poorly, do you think the friend will be there when you need it? Same with your money. Get to know your money, just like a friend of a boyfriend – know where you money is going (expenses), when it’s coming back (income) and where it’s spending its free time when it’s not with you (in the bank, on credit cards). If you love and respect your money, it will love you back.
You suggest acting as if. What does that mean and how is it helpful for someone seeking financial freedom?
Marianna Olszewski: Act as if you are the person you want to be or you already have the thing that you want, and you will be it and have it, its that simple. In more detail, Act as if is to behave, dress, and speak like the person you want to be or Act as if you have a particular quality and you will have it. For example if you want to be confident, act as if you already are confident. Acting As If is not about being phony or fake.
Acting As If is another way of educating and improving yourself. It’s truly on-the-job training for a new life. What Acting As If does not mean is that you become less “you.” Rather, it is You: new and improved. I used and continue to use Act As If in so many ways without compromising my authenticity, or betraying or denying anything real about myself. I developed the qualities that I admire in others without abandoning the traits that make me uniquely Marianna.
Book video where Marianna Olszewski discusses Live It, Love It, Earn It
Your book is written to be interactive. How can it be used effectively by group discussions of two, three, or more women?
Marianna Olszewski: Live It, Love It, Earn It can be read like any book straight through or interactive by forming a group with two or three or even more individuals who like and respect one another, have different life and work experiences, and want to create wealth with the help of one another. Meet on your own, at regular times, over a four- to six-week period, or even longer. In my experience, women who practice my nine tools, exercises, and Success Secrets with other like-minded women experience something magical. The power of the tools is enhanced, and abundance comes to all of us much more quickly than if we are working on them by ourselves.
I suggest opening each meeting with a Desire Exercise. Set a timer for two minutes and write down a list of financial dreams and desires (i.e.” pay off credit card debt,” “own my own home,” “save for retirement,” “travel around the world,” “make more money at my job,”). Once the two minutes are up, read your list to the other women in the group. They should respond with: “You can have all that and more.” This sets the tone for the rest of the session and puts you in an abundant frame of mind. Enjoy!
What is the first step a woman should take toward achieving financial independence?
Marianna Olszewski: Believe in herself! We women are so supportive of other people but when it comes to our own financial independence, dreams and desires we second guess ourselves, brush them aside, or never get to them claiming we don’t have the time. I promise we women are stronger than we think. We can have our dream career, a beautiful balanced life and financial freedom. My book can show you how.
What is next for Marianna Olszewski?
Marianna Olszewski: I enjoy working with women to help them take control of their money and live the life of their dreams. I will continue lecturing, coaching and motivational speaking. I am giving back by spending time mentoring young women and donating time and resources to women’s charities. This year I am partnering with Dress for Success Women’s Charity, providing time and Live It, Love It, Earn It books to their financial literacy and entrepreneur programs, helping unemployed women recreate their lives.
My book review of Live It, Love It, Earn It: A Woman's Guide to Financial Freedom by Marianna Olszewski.