Career Comeback
Repackage Yourself to Get the Job You Want
By: Lisa Johnson Mandell
Published: January 7, 2010
Format: Hardcover, 256 pages
ISBN: 9780446549653
Publisher: Springboard Press/Hachette
"Nowadays, there are fewer jobs, and the competition for them is more fierce than ever. We certainly don't need the added burden of ageist images and prejudices to hold us back", writes award winning author, journalist, and film critic Lisa Johnson Mandell, in her image transformational and results oriented book Career Comeback: Repackage Yourself to Get the Job You Want. The author helps job seeking and career stalled women wage an all out assault on ageism, by turning back the clock on age, appearance, wardrobe, resumes, and employment skills.
Lisa Johnson Mandell understands the problems facing women in today's youth oriented labor market. She experienced the effects of employers' preferences for younger men and women in her own career. She discovered, much to her surprise and shock, that her experience was not considered an advantage, but was in fact detrimental to her employment prospects. As a result, she took positive steps toward removing the age related portions of her resume, got a more modern hairstyle, modernized her wardrobe, and improved her technical expertise. It worked. She met the challenge of younger job seekers, through a combination of updated appearance, a strong emphasis on current technical savvy, and a revamped resume, and won the job of her dreams. She shares successfully, her secrets of getting the ideal job with her readers, in a practical and accessible style.

Lisa Johnson Mandell (photo left) recognizes the critical importance of being computer literate, and with at ease using social media and blogs. She recommends having a strong web presence to show off internet skills, while showing her readers how to utilize all aspects of the world wide web effectively. The author provides powerful insights into building a personal brand that carries over seamlessly from the internet to face to face networking to a successful job interview. Instead of having experience working against the job seeker, Lisa Johnson Mandell shows just how to add new skills to already existing ones to create an effective and unstoppable synergy. Through a recreating of oneself to fit the new rules of the employment game, the author gives the new career aspirant an edge over younger and less experienced people.
For me, the power of the book is how Lisa Johnson Mandell helps the older job applicant refresh their appearance, employment skills, and resume in new and exciting ways. The author shares practical and in the trenches job skills, ranging from becoming familiar with current social trends, to establishing an advanced internet and social networking presence. At the same time, the author shares the secrets of Hollywood's leading stylists on hair, makeup, and clothing that will transform any woman into an employment star. With these new advantages in place, Lisa Johnson Mandell guides the applicant through creating an updated resume, which she describes as resume Botox, that freshens up experience while downplaying age and outdated terms and technology. When the woman lands the job of her dreams, the book also includes an important section on negotiating the salary she deserves for the added value she brings to the job.
I highly recommend the indispensable career seeking guide for women Career Comeback: Repackage Yourself to Get the Job You Want by Lisa Johnson Mandell, to anyone who feels the oppressive force of ageism pushing them off to the career sidelines. This book provides the necessary tools, skills, and inspiration to create the ultimate makeover of yourself, your experience, and your technological skills to land that dream job.
Read the essential life and career reinvention book Career Comeback: Repackage Yourself to Get the Job You Want by Lisa Johnson Mandell, and turn the new rules of getting a great job upside down. This book will freshen up your image, reboot your resume, help you interview like a true superstar, and move your life into that wonderful new story book career.