The Big Picture
Essential Business Lessons from the Movies
By: Kevin Coupe, Michael Sansolo
Published: January 15, 2010
Format: Paperback, 232 pages
ISBN-10: 0971154287
ISBN-13: 978-0971154285
Publisher: Brigantine Media
"Business lessons abound in movies that aren't about business", write co-authors Kevin Coupe and Michael Sansolo in their endlessly entertaining and insightful book The Big Picture: Essential Business Lessons from the Movies. The authors describe how the power of story telling through the movies convey many important business lessons, even from movies that have no obvious business plot line.

Kevin Coupe (photo left) and Michael Sansolo recognize that all stories contain deeper truths than appear on the surface. Throughout history, stories have been told and become part of a society's communal experience. In our modern society, movies take the role of shared story telling. As with all great stories, the best of the movies, contain wisdom that may not be obvious at first glance. In the case of the movies discussed by Kevin Coupe and Michael Sansolo, there are gems of wisdom that can be applied to any business or career, in any industry. For the authors, movies represent a treasure trove of business advice, told in an engaging and memorable way, that can be learned and passed along to others through the power of narrative.

Michael Sansolo (photo left) and Kevin Coupe discover critical business teachings in movies as diverse as action and adventure, biopics and documentaries, comedies, date movies, dramas, and the classics. Each of the movies presents a story, that when examined for parallels to business, yields numerous pearls of wisdom in an entertaining and memorable format. Whether the movie is the classic "Casablanca", a or a Tom Hanks comedy, the movies demonstrate that business problems have analogous solutions in the plots. Whether it's finding an implementing a vision successfully as in "The Right Stuff, becoming great as in "Bull Durham" or using word of mouth advertising as in "When Harry Met Sally", the business lessons may not be obvious, but when viewed as teaching tools, the movies are a wealth of information and inspiration.
For me, the power of the book is how Kevin Coupe and Michael Sansolo take two seemingly disparate concepts in movies and business lessons, and combine them into an effective and memorable business textbook. The ease of reading the book, and the format that invites opening the book to any movie for a fresh lesson, creates the same impact as browsing for just the right movie at a video rental outlet. Any pressing business problem from vision and leadership, to branding and marketing, to ethics and taking responsibility, can be examined through the lens of the movie story line.
The resulting book, is a pleasure to read and reread, just as great movies are a delight to watch over and over again. Indeed, the authors point out, that the business concepts that they gleaned from their own viewing, may not be the same takeaways that other people may uncover from the film. Every movie presents many different problems and solutions, and each of the motion pictures discussed in the book is a wealth of instruction, waiting to be learned and taken to heart.
I highly recommend the fascinating and fun to read book The Big Picture: Essential Business Lessons from the Movies by Kevin Coupe and Michael Sansolo, to anyone seeking a refreshing and enjoyable way to solve some of the most difficult challenges facing any business. The teachings in movies, whether overt or hidden just below the surface, are memorable and easy to understand and digest. Such is the power of story as a learning tool, and this book outlines how to use that technique to best advantage.
Read the engaging and idea packed book The Big Picture: Essential Business Lessons from the Movies by Michael Sansolo and Kevin Coupe, and prepare to discover valuable and timeless business knowledge through the enjoyment of the best offerings of the silver screen. You will never watch movies without seeking the hidden business advice again.