My Mind Is Not Always My Friend
A Guide For How Not To Get In Your Own Way
By: Steven J. Fogel
Published: March 1, 2010
Format: Paperback, 200 pages
ISBN-10: 1936051508
ISBN-13: 978-1936051502
Publisher: The Peppertree Press
"The voice in our head that comes from our machinery takes our judgments and interpretations and turns them into stories or tales, which it replays over and over. The become the basis of our programming, which forms the patterns of our behavior", writes co-founder of Westwood Financial Corp. and motivational thought leader Steven J. Fogel, in his inspirational and life changing book My Mind Is Not Always My Friend: A Guide For How Not To Get In Your Own Way. The author provides a framework for managing your own mind so it doesn't control your life, through creating new guiding life principles that lead you to the life of your own choosing.
Steven J. Fogel understands that our life experiences shape our behaviors in ways that we may not even realize or understand ourselves. As a result, our minds have created automatic responses and default behaviors that control our lives, even in ways that may be harmful or self destructive for us. Steven Fogel describes these unconscious responses as machinery. While that mechanized analogy may sound daunting at first, the author considers it to be helpful for us. If our experienced formed mind is like machinery, then it can be prepared, and guided to operate in a manner that helps us to achieve personal fulfillment and happier lives. Through this reshaping of our thoughts, we can let go of self destructive thoughts and actions,and replace them with ideas and principles that take us in a more positive direction.

Steven J. Fogel (photo left) recognizes the feeling of not being happy or in control of his own thoughts. Despite becoming a millionaire, and living in a mansion with his family, he wasn't happy. He decided to change his mind's programming toward the goals that he wanted to achieve as a person, and not what was expected by others. Steven Fogel felt the fear of making a personal transformation, but instead of denying that fear, he used it help develop and realize his own personal vision. He created his own set of guiding principles, and shares the techniques of that journey with his readers and his speaking audiences. Once free of his own self created machinery of the mind, he was able to take control of his personal destiny, and present those ideas to other people. Steven Fogel realizes as well that a person can't control everything in life, but people can choose how they react and respond to events, resulting in personal empowerment.
For me, the power of the book is how Steven J. Fogel shares his own personal journey toward transformation with the readers, and uses it as a teaching tool to help guide others to find their true path. His insight that the brain operates like machinery, and can be programmed to operate automatically, creates an empowering sense of choice for his readers. While a person may have created self destructive programming in the past, that behavior is not permanent. It can be changed, and the mind can receive a fresh way of thinking that leads to happiness and personal fulfillment. The author provides practical learning tools that give the reader the means to rid themselves of the previous behavior, and replacing it with the strength of a new perspective on one's own life.
I highly recommend the personal success building book My Mind Is Not Always My Friend: A Guide For How Not To Get In Your Own Way by Steven J. Fogel, to anyone seeking to become aware of their own self defeating behavior, and having the desire to change their lives for the better. Instead of having the machinery of the already programmed brain run one's life, this book provides the means to reshape the entire unconscious thought process. The result is the ability to choose one's own personal destiny and ideal of personal success.
Read the motivational and behavior altering book My Mind Is Not Always My Friend: A Guide For How Not To Get In Your Own Way by Steven J. Fogel, and take back the machinery of your own brain. When you reclaim your own thoughts, and remove self doubt and the self destructive behavior that makes you unhappy, your life is transformed forever. Instead of your mind being your enemy, this book will turn your mind into your true friend that helps create your success.