47 Ways to Make Your Organization Exceptional
By: John G. Miller
Published: January 7, 2010
Format: Hardcover, 224pp
ISBN-13: 9780399156403
ISBN-10: 0399156402
Publisher: Putnam/Penguin Group (USA)
"It's amazing how some truths sometimes hide right in front of us", writes founder of QBQ, Inc., John G. Miller, in his highly practical and enlightening book Outstanding!: 47 Ways to Make Your Organization Exceptional. The author describes how healthy organizations of all types and sizes, hold and act upon their core values, that build profits, create more productive and engaged employees, and retain good customers.
John G. Miller understands that no company or individual wants to be mediocre or just average. People and the organizations for which they work, want to excel in their industry, and be regarded as the best. For John G. Miller, that means that people and organizations want to be outstanding. With this overall concept in mind, the author shares forty-seven proven techniques to achieve outstanding performance and results. Through his years of experience working with businesses and non-profit organizations, the author discovered that each successful organization maintained and acted upon its crucial core values. That meant that those who were outstanding in their industries were thinking and doing the right things, while not thinking or doing the wrong ideas and practices.

John G. Miller (photo left) has dedicated his career to adding personal responsibility to the list of vital core values. The author believes the principles of integrity, accountability, and authenticity can be transferred to an entire organization. The individual behaviors that people act upon can become company wide courses of action in the organizational culture. John G. Miller describes in detail how these individual choices and actions can be implemented effectively. Personal activity becomes collective action through the application of the author's recommendations. In many cases, the best and most profitable course of action is obvious, involving doing the right thing for customers, employees, vendors, and all of the organizations stakeholders.
For me, the power of the book is how John G. Miller examines what appear at first glance to be obvious concepts, yet he places them into the overall context of being outstanding. The idea of having both personal and organizational guiding principles is simple, but very powerful. Through having a purpose of being the best, everyone involved in the organization develops their passion for being outstanding. The author provides the practical and hands on tools to achieve greatness in any organization or industry. Through adoption of the book's forty-seven principles at the personal level, a huge difference is made in the behavior of the entire organization. John G. Miller never forgets that organizations are made up of people, and he believes people want to be the best and be part of an outstanding group of people. As a result, personal responsibility and accountability will achieve success across the entire company.
I highly recommend the engaging and inspirational book Outstanding!: 47 Ways to Make Your Organization Exceptional by John G. Miller, to anyone seeking to become outstanding as an individual and as part of an industry leading company or non-profit organization. This book reminds the reader of the power of doing the right thing, with authenticity and transparency, that results in better performance and greater results.
Read the organization strengthening book Outstanding!: 47 Ways to Make Your Organization Exceptional by John G. Miller, and put the author's simple but effective concepts to work for you, your company, your customers, your vendors, and everyone involved with your business or group. The advice is timeless and game changing, and this book will help you and your company become truly outstanding in every way.