Thriving in the New Economy
Lessons from Today's Top Business Minds
By: Lori Ann LaRocco
Published: December 2009
Format: Hardcover, 304pp
ISBN-13: 9780470557310
ISBN-10: 0470557311
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
"History's defining moments have taught us that leaders are tested, made, or broken and we are living in one of those moments now", writes Senior Talent Producer at CNBC, Lori Ann LaRocco, in her insightful anthology of essays by today's top business leaders Thriving in the New Economy: Lessons from Today's Top Business Minds. The author presents a powerful collection of thoughts and advice for meeting the challenges of today's difficult economy, and for achieving success for youself and your company.
Lori Ann LaRocco opened what has been called her "trillion dollar Rolodex" and invited business leaders from different industries and backgrounds to share their secrets of thriving now and in the future. Representing such disparate industries as automobiles, real estate, retail, banking, and economics, the essayists provide valuable information and ideas about how they think and plan, regardless of the economy of the moment. Despite their industry differences, the writers share some critical common traits and ideas. Not only do the business leaders describe what they are doing now, but more importantly, they examine how to prevent personal and company failure in any economy. They also share their own secrets for seeking out and taking advantage of the many opportunities that present themselves in any economic circumstances.

Lori Ann LaRocco (photo left) does a magnificent job in compiling this tremendous group of essays on achieving business success. Her extensive contacts in the boardrooms of the largest corporations, and in the halls of government, serve the reader well. In many ways, the book is a tribute to the vital importance of networking with successful people. Lori Ann LaRocco demonstrates the power of knowing people, and reaching out to them for their advice and assistance. The resulting book is a treasure trove of insights and practical advice. The author takes very seriously her role in providing information, and the ideas of today's top business leaders, to the readers.
For me, the power of the book is how Lori Ann LaRocco not only elicits a group of powerful essays from her many contacts in corporate America, but also in helping the writers share their best advice. Many of this type of book present essays that are long on platitude, but short of actionable advice. That is not a problem with this anthology. The business leaders lay out their best concepts for preventing business failure, maintaining cash flow, creating an effective business strategy, and for uncovering hidden business opportunities. From the foreword by Wayne Huizenga to the afterward from Rudy Giuliani, and every writer in between, the advice is sound and transformational for any business person. The common threads of the writers are those of clear eyed realism, practical tactics, building an effective strategy, while keeping an eye open for profitable new ventures.
I highly recommend the important and must read collection Thriving in the New Economy: Lessons from Today's Top Business Minds by Lori Ann LaRocco, and discover the thoughts and ideas from some of today's most important business thinkers. The author draws out their most important concepts for preventing business failure, and for paving the way to flourishing in both good economic times and those of downturns.
Read the expertise packed book Thriving in the New Economy: Lessons from Today's Top Business Minds by Lori Ann LaRocco, and read the best advice available from many top leaders on business and the economy. Taken together, these essays can help prevent business failures, and create a vibrant and flourishing economy for everyone.