Emotional Branding
The New Paradigm for Connecting Brands to People - Revised Edition
By: Marc Gobé
Published: February 9, 2009
Format: Paperback, 360 pages
ISBN: 978-1-58115-672-0
Publisher: Allworth Press
"Over the past decade, it has become resoundingly clear that the world is moving from an industrially driven economy where machines are the heroes toward a people-driven economy that puts the consumer in the seat of power", writes acclaimed branding expert Marc Gobé in the completely revised and updated edition of his visionary classic book Emotional Branding: The New Paradigm for Connecting Brands to People - Revised Edition. The author presents a compelling case that consumer power and social media is not only transforming branding, but is altering civilization itself in ways never before imagined possible.
Marc Gobé recognizes that social media, and especially Twitter, changing the way people perceive and interact with brands. This new global outlook is empowering consumers of all types and demographic groups. The author predicted these powerful sea changes in the relationships between customers and brands over a decade ago. Since that time, the consumer trends have proven Marc Gobé correct in his forecasts. The companies can no longer control brands in an internet wired economy. When the brand enters into the marketplace, that control is lost, as consumers take ownership of the brand and give it their own message. Companies that fail to recognize their customers, and don't follow where their customers reside on the internet, will lose market share, resulting in their eventual business failure.

Marc Gobé (photo left) understands that consumers make purchasing decisions for emotional reasons. Within that emotional marketing paradigm are variations between products and brands, and the emotions they elicit from their target market. At the same time, branders must engage different generational demographics ranging from Baby Boomers, to Generation X, to Millennials. Women form a very powerful decision making group, and their needs and requirements are paramount for any brander to consider. The author describes the severe consequences of failing to engage women as customers. The gay and lesbian community forms another leading edge market segment, very often setting tastes for other market segments. Only through emphasizing the sensorial experiences of consumers can these various market groups be engaged by the brand.
For me, the power of the book is how Marc Gobé presents his vision of emotional branding as the template for the twenty-first century. The author sees clearly the revolution taking place in marketplace and brand perception that is unfolding before our very eyes. Marc Gobé has the insight to see through the clutter, and strike at the core of the new consumer behavior and empowerment. Bolstering his case with lavish use of photographs and graphics, Marc Gobé presents his groundbreaking concepts with clarity. The author challenges branders to use their imagination to innovate and develop and new approach to branding and marketing. Marc Gobé demonstrates the critical importance of being part of the online community and embracing the potential of social media, including Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Facebook. He even presents ideas for sharing emotions through social media, giving brands a powerful immediacy for consumers.
I highly recommend the classic, must read book Emotional Branding: The New Paradigm for Connecting Brands to People - Revised Edition by Marc Gobé, to anyone seeking deeper insights into the impact of social media, changing demographics, and consumer empowerment on corporations and their brands. The author describes how information sharing and online community building are changing radically the way brands are engaged by consumers. Companies that fail to consider these critical and growing elements in their branding strategy will lose customers and market share.
Read the important and paradigm transformational book Emotional Branding: The New Paradigm for Connecting Brands to People - Revised Edition by Marc Gobé, and discover how emotions, connection, and engagement are essential aspects of any online and offline marketing campaign. The recognition of the ubiquitous nature and the exploding importance of the internet are crucial parts of branding now and in the future. There is no going back to the old ways of marketing, and this book guides companies. marketers, and branders into the new and exciting world of emotional and sensorial branding. You will never think in the same terms about marketing and branding again.