Blog News Agency: Could it work?

Adam Curry has formulated the idea of a Blog News Agency. Thanks to Trudy Schuett for the link.

The Blog News Agency would be a cetnralized global network, providing blog based news to the mainstream media. As most of us are already aware, the major news media currently scour the blogs for newsworthy article ideas.

Anyone who has been blogging for any period of time knows how much of a challenge finding story ideas can be. The same difficulties face journalists as their deadlines loom. They need a story idea.

A Blog News Agency could go a long way toward providing regular story ideas, whether in politics, other news, sports, or lifestyle articles. The many blogs have them all and much much more.

Another interesting aspect of Adam Curry's idea is the paying of bloggers. In his scenerio, bloggers would be paid through the PayPal system for their blog stories.

Contibuting bloggers would be freelance writers under the Agency. Since bloggers regularly are seeking new sources of revenue, writing for the mainstream media outlets, would form another one. It would also be a reputable income source.

The mainstream news media are constantly searching for cost effective ways to provide more indepth news. Bloggers are always looking for methods of making some money from their blogs. The match is a good one.

Let's see where Adam Curry and his Blog News Agency wind up.

It may be good for everyone involved.
