Yahoo search is all new

For those not aware of the wild, and occasionally wacky world of internet search engines, former search powerhouse Yahoo is getting back into the game, in major league style.

Yahoo is challenging industry dominant Google search, with a fresh new algorithm, that is creating some different search results from Google.

When Yahoo purchased moribund search engine Inktomi (mainly a pay for inclusion company), it was thought by some observers that Yahoo would simply use Inktomi's technology.

Not so, it seems.

Yahoo has added search engine talent and they have created a fresh new way to search for what you want to find on the internet. Now, as a searcher, if you can't find what you want on Google, perhaps Yahoo might find what you seek.

There is also rumour that internet giant Microsoft is positioning its MSN search to try to gain search market share as well.

Competition is good if it helps to create better search results and better search engine products for both website owners and searchers. As long as money is not simply used to battle for market share, in a massive zero sum game, the search engine community may see some exciting days ahead.

In any case, webmasters and bloggers will no longer have only Google to consider for traffic and search engine optimization. There are some more players on the field.

Let the games begin.
