Business blogs help in search engines

Business blogs give your website a boost in the search engine rankings, particularly with Google, Yahoo search, and Microsoft's MSN search.

I have been saying that for awhile, not only here on this blog, but also in my article at SEO Chat called Blogs and Search Engine Optimization.

The latest person to agree with me and to echo what I have been saying is noted internet observer Garrett French. Thanks to The Blog Herald for the link.

Like me, Garrett believes that it will take some real creativity to make money from your blog, however. Unlike Garrett, I am more optimistic that blogging can be monetized by extendng the definition of blogging revenue to include freelance writing and employment.

Garrett French also agrees with me that blogs are a media news source of the future. Bloggers had better be prepared to work with professional mainstream journalists in the future.

Keep in mind that not all journalists will be familiar with, or even friendly towards blogs. It's up to us to clear their path, and make their visits to blogs a pleasant and helpful one.

By being courteous to mainstream media people, blogs can go a long way toward acceptance as a major news source. Already, bloggers are being quoted in the major media on important news stories. Recently Jeremy Wright of Ensight was quoted in the prestigious Washington Post regarding the delayed Google IPO. More such interviews with bloggers will be forthcoming in the future.

There will be more upcoming articles about the value of business blogs, and their power in the search engines. As more people become aware of the blogging secret to search engine success, there will be many more business bloggers out there on the internet.

As most of you already know, the blog advantage is regularly updated keyword rich content, coupled with many incoming links from other blogs and websites.

That is the recipe for high search engine rankings.

Blog serve those rankings up as the main course.
