We're on the blogging radio

Blogging as a radio show?

It might work.

The fertile mind of Jeremy Wright has brought forth the concept of blogging on radio.

At first blush, the concepts of blogs and radio would seem to be miles apart. On closer examination, however, they seem to have more in common than one would think.

Bllogging is an internet medium and in many ways, radio is a blogging medium as well. News stories on radio tend to be brief and immediate in a similar vein as blog entries.

Talk radio is blogging writ large, complete with comments on and references to, other writers, and news stories. The most popular talk radio hosts opine on news and current events, with references, in the same manner as bloggers.

The step from blog to radio program would be a small transition.

An internet radio show on blogging just might take flight.

The important point, for blogging on radio, would be to utilize the burgeoning idea of internet radio programs. Over the airwaves radio, heavily controlled by very few owners, would not be the place to test an unproven concept.

Like blogs themselves, internet blogging would be on the cutting edge of technological communications. The independent internet radio stations, eager for strong and reliable content, would probably welcome a blogging show with open mikes.

Internet radio could take full advantage of the diversity of the blogging community. Several show themes, from business to technology to news commentary would be readily available. There would even be room for the more personal journal type blogs, as a lifestyle section.

Jeremy Wright's idea has merit.

Let's see what becomes of it.
