Bloggers: Are we in competition?

Blog competition.

Does it exist?

I was asked the other day if I thought the new crop of business, marketing, public relations, and SEO blogs represented competition for the existing blogs in those categories. The questioner seemed concerned that more blogs meant fewer readers for the currently read blogs.

The bottom line question was this: Is a larger blogosphere harmful to existing bloggers?

I responded that I didn't believe in blog competition, and in fact, I believe precisely the opposite to be true. In my opinion, the more good business blogs that appear in the blogosphere, the better for all bloggers.

Of course, I was pressed for reasons for my ideas. Obviously, they seemed counter-intuitive to the query.

Blogs are still a niche segment of the internet, despite what we sometimes prefer to think. Many non-bloggers, and of course people who aren't even on the internet (yes, there are some), have never even heard of blogs. As such, simply having more business related blogs raises the profile of the entire blogging genre.

Business bloggers read other business blogs for ideas, techniques, and even posting ideas. A new blogger, who had never read a blog before, is a wonderful and welcome new visitor for existing blogs. Along with the readership boost, more comments are probable as well, creating more dialogue. Blogs are partially about starting conversations, after all.

Novice bloggers are quite likely to ask questions and show interest in learning all about how blogs work, and how to make their new blogs better. As a practicing blogger, you are likely to be one of the sources of that knowledge. Your blogging expertise will be sought, over and over again. Your blogging experience is your best calling card.

New bloggers are a source of new friends. As we communicate with other bloggers, whether new or established, we create a new circle of acquaintances. That blog networking power translates readily into business relationships and personal ones. While some new bloggers doubt the network strength of blogging, it's like anything else. The more you give and put into it, the more rewards will flow back your way.

Established business bloggers, or at least those seeking more incoming links for SEO or for, Technorati and The Truth Laid Bear Ecosystem ranking purposes, can receive them from some freshly minted blogs.

Business bloggers selling blogging products and services have a fresh new market for seminars, platforms, addons, blogging books and manuals, and much, much more. The enthusiastic blogger wants to learn everything about the blogging tool. Remember, we all had to learn how to blog ourselves. We are all still learning from one another, as a matter of fact.

More business blogs are better for every blogger. While not all new blogs will last, some will become mainstays of the blogging community. As such, we all have much to learn from them and their ideas as well.

The higher profile of blogs and blogging is only one part of the equation.

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