Internet difficulties: They happen

Internet problems.

Have you ever had them?

You know what I'm talking about, I'm sure. The biggest problem was getting and keeping a dsl connection all day. It kept dropping out on me.

Good thing I'm patient and don't yell.

I took my time and got some work done, but it was a bit of a challenge. Sometimes things not going as planned is good for you. I like to believe that anyway.

More worrisome was the extremely slow internet and computer. My first concern was an invasion of some diabolical spyware. While I am very careful, the possibility was a real one.

I ran all of my various spyware and virus checks and they showed nothing. I kept getting the very welcome messages that no viruses, spyware, or evil alien beings were inside the computer. Of course, that didn't explain the snail's pace of the computer and the internet.

I tried a reboot, as that was the tried and true solution to almost every problem, when I ran Windows 98. That wasn't the problem today with Windows XP, however. The internet stayed extremely slow. No pages would load in less than the time elapsed since the last Ice Age. Empires have risen and fallen at a faster pace.

I decided to shut the computer down entirely, and leave it to its own devices for a few hours. That was the right plan of action. Upon starting the computer again, everything is up and running at its normal speed.

The problem seems to have rectified itself. It seems to me that the problem was the internet connection being wet from our recent heavy rains. Moisture was apparently getting into the connections. In the end, it was only the weather.

I'm glad that problem is over with, and I can get on with more important things; like blogging.

Good thing I'm patient.

And looking for sunny skies.

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