Blog topics: Finding ideas

I was taking a linking tour of blogs today.

I used my favourite system of randomly selecting a blog name from other bloggers' lists of favourites. When I reach a new blog, I emply the same method again, and again. I never know where I'll wind up after awhile.

The technique finds some very interesting and often surprisingly great blogs.

The method also provides topic ideas for your daily blog posts.

Today, as I was cruising blogs, I discovered a few bloggers were posting that they had no topics, about which to post.

Of course, it could be argued persuasively, that the lack of a formal topic is indeed a topic in and of itself. At least I believe that to be the case, but then, I'm rather lenient in that regard.

I looked over the blogs, and thought to myself that those bloggers had many great ideas, sitting right under their noses. They had hobbies, jobs, and even businesses to operate.

Some bloggers appeared to be struggling, about whether to make the switch to a full scale business blog. Such a move would leavie the current personal journal to itself. Some bloggers were examining other issues in their personal and occupational lives.

There seemed to be no shortages, of really great entry ideas, on any of the blogs I read today.

I have been writing for the past couple of days about creativity.

All creativity is to me, is a new way of looking at things, in order to find solutions to problems. In this case, the problem is finding appropriate blogging subjects (and predicates too, for that matter).

As a cure for blogging block, I would suggest stepping back, and reading your own blog. You will be surprised at what you may uncover in the way of ideas.

Read your blog as a visitor would look at it. There are two types of readers for your blog. You have your regulars who return over and over. You also have first time visitors, who have stumbled across your little corner of the internet, in any of countless ways.

Regular readers will have certain tastes and preferences in post topics. You can always mix in a few old favourites, especially for them.

For newcomers, your topics are all fresh to them. You can recycle older ideas and posting materials in new ways. New angles on older entries is also great for your daily visitors as well.

In journalism, the editors are constantly seeking new angles and twists on older stories.

You can do that too.

Think about the impressions of your readers. Think about their needs, requirements, and desires. They are your first order of business. If you write only for yourself, it doesn't matter if anyone looks at your words of wisdom.

On the other hand, if you want to increase your readership, and gain higher totals in your visitor logs, it is imperative that you consider the interests of your readership.

The topics will just pop right into your head, as if they were already there, just waiting for you.

Think about your readers, and you will never go wrong.
