Business Blog Resolutions 2004

Everyone spends an inordinate amount of time, on New Year's Day, creating a gaggle of resolutions.

I'll do that too. Who am I to break with such a grand tradition!

After all, I usually resolve to never resolve...or is that dissolve?

In any case, without further ado, here are some business blog resolutions for 2004.

Resolve to update your business blogs on a regular basis. I like to add daily posts; but at least three times a week is fine. For those of you, who update multiple times a day, all I can say, is you certainly must have a lot to blog about.

Make a committment to add links, and to engage in link exchanges with other bloggers, and with other static websites. Trading links adds entirely new visitor traffic to your blog. If your blog is interesting and informative, the new readers will return often.

Get your blog ranked higher, in the Google (and other search engines) listings, for your most important keywords. Those are the terms people enter into search boxes, to find information on a topic. By writing posts, that contain those keyword terms, your blog will be found regularly on the search engines.

Write interesting articles for other bloggers, wesbites, and newsletters. Build your traffic, by letting people see your writing and expertise, in many differnet online and offline locations. Don't forget to link back to your blog.

Add an RSS feeder to your blog, for ease of spreading your words to others.

Post regularly on internet forums. Visit and participate often on Blogger Talk and Blogger Forum and Yahoo Groups: Blogging Community. Ask questions of other bloggers. Answer their questions openly and honestly too. You will learn a lot that way.

Send a press release to the news media, letting them know about the stories on your blog, and about your business. Keep in close contact with the media, and not just when you have a story of your own either. You may be asked to comment on news, about other businesses, in your field of endeavour.

Get your blog listed in the many great blog directories. Many of those blog directories are listed in my Resources section. Be sure to add your blog to the very important internet directories like The Open Directory Project (DMOZ). For information on getting included in that major directory, see my SEO Chat article on how to get listed in DMOZ.

Make new internet friends, with other bloggers, and webmasters. The contacts not only open up new business relationships, but are wonderful for enriching your personal life. In the end, that's much more important.

Help other new bloggers gain knowledge and experience, with writing and promoting their freshly minted blogs. Be of assistance to long time blog writers too. Share your information and know how freely, with those who request your guidance.

Be a friend to other bloggers.

All my best to you and your families in 2004.

Blog Business World

Wayne's Derby World
