Writing Articles Increases Your Traffic

You say you want to get a lot more visitors to your blog or website?

You say you have tried everything, and while each idea has added a few extra visitors here and there, none has given you some major bang for the buck?

Try writing articles that appear elsewhere on the internet.

The articles can be published on other blogs, on traditional static websites, or in internet e-mail newsletters.

I have personally had success with all three techniques.

Article writing introduces you and your blog, to hundreds and even thousands, of brand new readers.

I was astounded (and I don't astound easily) at the heavy influx of traffic I received from my most recent contribution to an e-mail newsletter.

The highly regarded, and extremely popular search engine optimization consultant Jill Whalen, of Highrankings.com and the Highrankings.com Forum , invited me to write a guest column on the benefits of business blogs for her High Rankings Advisor Newsletter.

Jill Whalen is extremely selective and rightly so, about who she invites, so I was honoured to write a guest article. I agreed to write an article about business blogs for her High Rankings Advisor Newsletter.

The Newsletter can be read online here:

High Rankings Advisor Newsletter.

While you are there, be sure to sign up to receive her High Rankings Advisor Newsletter, on a regular basis. It's packed with great tips and advice on gaining high rankings in the search engines.

I subscribe, and I learn something new from every issue. You will too!

The resulting traffic from the newsletter article has been nothing short of amazing.

My visitor traffic counters have literally gone off the dial with brand new readers, arriving at my blog. I have recorded, on back to back days, the largest readership numbers ever for this business blog. As an unexpected bonus, both my roller derby blog and my comedy and creative writing blog, have received solid traffic boosts as well.

I strongly recommend that you take every opportunity to write guest articles for other websites, newsletters, and blogs. Many bloggers will offer the chance for you to be a guest columnist on their blogs.

Simply offer to write a guest column or article for a few bloggers and webmasters.

Start with a few people who you know. They are the most likely to agree to your offer. They will appreciate the added content, which will help them to gain more keyword strength, in the search engine rankings.

Everyone benefits.

Be sure to include a short biography of yourself and your blog or website. Include a live clickable link back to your site.

The extra time taken, to write a fresh blog post or feature length article, will pay off for you.

Big time.

My own visitor traffic counters are ample proof of that!
