My Google PageRank article at SEO Chat

For those of you who are interested in the concept of Google PageRank, what it means, and approximately how it's calculated, I have written a Google PageRank article.

My essay called Google PageRank Primer appears on the well known search engine optimization website SEO Chat.

In the article, I describe the concept and importance of PageRank. I describe the numbers, and what they mean to you, and your blog or website.

I talk about the differences in importance of the numbers and their relative values. I discuss the way the PageRank values are calculated, including a plain English explanation of how the formula works.

No need to have any math anxiety!

I also conclude the article, with the importance of adding more incoming links, to your blog or website. As you already know, links add to your visitor traffic through referrals from other site. Links also add to your position, in the search engine placements, for your targeted keywords.

Links are good. Exchange early and often.

This is the second article, I have had appear at SEO Chat.

My first article was titled The DMOZ Directory: Get Your Site Listed.

The purpose of that article, which has received solid reviews from experts in the search engine optimization field, is to help you get your blog or website listed in the important Open Directory Project (DMOZ) directory.

While you are visiting SEO Chat, be sure to read the great article called Search Engine Myths Debunked.

That fine essay was written by the very knowledgeable David Clain of Swagu.

You won't want to miss what he has to say, about the urban legends, that have grown up around the various internet search engines; industry leader Google, in particular.

Be sure to vote (Hint: Vote 5!) for the articles' help, or lack thereof, as well.

Hey! What's wrong with a little shameless self promotion once in awhile. I know it's not at the level of certain one day marriage, or steamy video producing celebrities, but it will have to suffice.

On behalf of David, (I'm sure he doesn't mind), thanks for reading our articles.

They are written, and published at SEO Chat, to help you and your sites.
