Carnival of the Capitalists: Up and Running

Carnival of the Capitalists is hosted this week by Bristish based blogger Unpersons

As always there are a great assortment of tremendous entries posted. Topics include business, society, innovation, economics and investment, and politics.

I have an entry included this week too.

The host says about my entry:

"Wayne Hurlbert has much to say about innovation and his real world experience including details of how he fought to innovate in order to save a company where bad business practices were so entrenched that management was actually allowing them to seriously harm the business. It might be difficult to convince senior management types to have faith in innovation, which involves experimentation and hence risk, but it could prove to be what a failing company needs more than anything else."

The column, that appears on this week's Carnival of the Capitalists, is my discussion of the difficulties I experienced in getting fresh ideas implemented in a company, where I was previously employed.

Be sure to check out the other great columns as well.

There is a lot of great reading there.

I always learn a lot from the weekly selections.
