Carnival of the Vanities reaches EGO

The oldest and perhaps largest of the internet blog Carnivals set up shop at Martin Lindeskog's great economics and political blog EGO.

Carnival of the Vanities features some of the finest bloggers, from every type of blog, found anywhere.

Carnival of the Vanities is the one that was parent to an entire family of Carnival children.

This edition of the venerable Carnival of the Vanities includes posts on some rather esoteric sounding topics. Included are ideas on education, ethics, politics, economics, history, psychology, art, and some eclectic posts that defy classification. That's a very good thing.

I was privileged to include a post, in the EGO hosted Carnival of the Vanities, this week.

My post on "Creating businesses with bloggers" became one of this week's selected articles.

Next week's Carnival of the Vanities will be found at the highly eclectic Blogo Slovo.

In the meantime, surf on over to EGO, and read the great posts on offer at Carnival of the Vanities.

As usual, I learned a heap of new information.
