Who are your readers?

Do you know who reads your blog?

For that matter, do you even care?

Just as long as it's someone besides your immediate friends and family, whom you coerced into reading your blog, entirely against their will.

There are a few ways to find out your readership.

The first and most obvious technique is to use a web visitor counter. The reports, provided my the majority of the free counters, give you some solid information on your readership.

It's good to know who arrived from searches for various keywords that led to your site. You've already placed the idea in the back of your mind to write more posts on that topic.

It's not always an exercise in ego and narcissism to know who is visiting your blog.

Often, the type of readers your blog attracts can help you to provide more of what your visitors actually want to read. If looked at in that light, a visitor counter is not all about the blogger, but is focused toward the readers.

It's always interesting to find out which blogs, that link to yours, are sending visitors to read what you have written. It's always nice to share visitors with other friends in the blogging community.

I am always excited to find out that my readers have visited other blogs and sites that I have linked. That is the reason for the links. They are there to be clicked and perhaps some new blogs discovered.

I suppose I am just helpful by nature.

After all, I like to see other people achieve success in their endeavours.

If we all work to help one another do well, we all win in the end.
