Irritants in blogging

I wasn't able to blog yesterday.

Now I know blogging is truly an addiction.

I missed actually writing my daily column. Of course, some of you might consider that a blessing. I'm hoping that a few more people were looking for a post.

Due to a problem with my internet service provider, I was unable to log onto the internet. I kept getting some message about not being able to connect.

Hey, I can understand their concerns about connections with others. I really do. I only was concerned about one thing at that moment, however.

Just connect to me!

In any case, I was mildly...okay a lot...irritated.

After several long hours of bitter struggle and extreme disappointment, I got logged onto the internet.

This morning.

My reward for such extreme patience, above and beyond the call of duty? My computer froze in the middle of a post composition.

Good thing I was only three quarters completed, or I would have been a trifle upset.

I am just too easy going for computer problems like that.

Better to leap into a rage and grab a baseball bat, or better yet, an axe.

Oh for the glories of smashing the computer, into so many pieces, that a person could build a star chart from the remains.

Alas, it was not to be.

I rebooted, and wrote this post instead.
