It's a blog world after all

Many other bloggers, whose blogs you know and visit all of the time, read many of the same blogs.

There is nothing surprising about that tidbit.

What is unusual, is the out of the way blog, often discusses a subject never before associated with your blogging friend.

That is a fact.

In many ways, despite the stated 3,436,352 blogs indexed by Technorati, blogging is a collection of small communities. The way that blogs are linked together and refer to one another, shrinks that blogging universe, into a far more manageble society.

Within the giant metropolis of the blogosphere are many extremely diverse, yet quite closely knit neighbourhoods.

Within the various blogging subject areas, are hundreds of heavily overlapping communities of interest.

Business bloggers overlap into writing, economics, legal, and political blogs. Many bloggers within those areas branch out into sports, comedy, hobby, and personal blogs.

The chances of meeting and getting to know many diverse bloggers, from varying fields of expertise is virtually unlimited.

It's always fascinating to find a comment, on a previously unknown blog, by a blogger you know and read on a regular basis. It is even more of a revelation, if the blog is one that is entirely unrelated, to either yours or the blogging friend's writings.

In an instant, another area of common interest is discovered, further cementing the bond between two internet associates.

As bloggers discover more areas of commonality, more and more potential business alliances are possible.

The business expertise of several bloggers, may also expand to include abusiness possibility, never previously imagined.

The bloggers have the talent, and the mutual interest in blue widgets is the product or service.

Knowing your way around blog town will result in endless business associations and opportunities.

As you can see now, they are lying right under our noses.

All we have to do is reach out and grab them.
