Blog post length: The long and the short of it

Blog post length is a decision a blogger makes every time that fingers are put to keyboard.

Some bloggers write short one line posts with an accompanying link.

Other bloggers tend to write almost full length daily columns. I confess to being in the longer post camp.

Still a third post length option is somewhere in the middle. Placing a link, with a paragraph or two of opinion and thoughts on the issue, makes a nice useful post as well.

A great combination for most bloggers is some combination of all three posting lengths. While I tend to stick to the theory, of more typing is better for me (probably a pseudo-exercise thing), variety of post word counts is a good policy.

Some topics simply demand more facts, explanation, and opinion. Often a one line blurb is insufficient to give your readers the full concept of the blog link provided. More words are required.

Such posts are a dream to wordy types like me.

Of course, becoming Gleemanesque in post length is not always something for which to aspire.

Occasionally, a long post can add weight to a blogger's opinions.

Sometimes, long columns cause the writer to look a trifle verbose. I plead guilty as charged to terminal verbosity.

To make a long story short, and I rarely do that, mix in a number of varying length postings on your blog.

When a one liner and a link suffice, do it. After all, it's better to have posted and been brief than to never have posted at all. Was that a sad ripoff of a poetry or what!

Anyway, where wasI?

Oh yes, I was talking about (some would say rambling on) about long entries versus shorter writings.

Okay. Bottom line.

Mix them and match them, and you won't go too far wrong.

Long posts work better as essay type columns.

Short posts work best to steer your readers to other bloggers' interesting and worthwhile posts.

Medium length posts enable you to add some commentary, as necessary, to a linked blog.

Now, all I have to do is determine the length of this post.

I vote...too short!

Stop those protests. I was only kidding.

No, I wasn't!
