Bloggers as TIME's People of the Year?

Bloggers as TIME's "People of the Year"?

Leading blogger Steve Rubel of Micro Persuasion thinks blogs and bloggers are the ideal choice for the coveted distinction.

Should blogs and bloggers indeed grace the cover of TIME Magazine, it would mark a turning point in the blogging community.

Steve Rubel makes his point about blogs as TIME's "People of the Year" this way:

For 2004, I cannot think of a single person or persons that had a greater influence on society than the bloggers. Let's remind them by making our voice heard. If you think about American politics, media, business - no one, no one had a greater influence for better or worse than the bloggers. Not Osama Bin Laden. Not Sadaam Hussein. Not John Kerry. No one. The bloggers absolutely deserve to be this year's People of the Year.

In fact, to make his point, Steve is starting a petition to TIME Magazine with that goal in mind.

You can make your voice heard by e-mailing directly to the editors of TIME Magazine.

The idea of blogging is catching on and growing exponentially in importance.

Blogging has changed the face of the internet in general, and of journalism in particular. Business blogs are reshaping the way some leading companies communicate with their customers and the general public, in both public relations and in marketing.

Legal and political blogs are read daily by journalists covering those important topics.

Business reporters read leading businessm marketing, and public relations blogs for stories for their beats.

Online business people are adding a blog component to their traditional and static websites to take advantage of blogs' enormous advantage in search engine optimization (SEO).

More changes to business and journalism are yet to come, as a direct result of the power of blogs.

There is no doubt about the power of blogs.

Many leading bloggers are taking up Steve's cause, and lending their names and blogs, to achieving the goal of bloogers gracing TIME's cover.

You can help too.

Send your e-mail to TIME Magazine editors today.

Do your part to make bloggers TIME's "People of the Year".
