Trudy Schuett's BloggerCon space available

My friend Trudy Schuett at WOLves has a space reserved at the well known blogging symposium called BloggerCon.

She is offering the space to other bloggers, free for the asking. With the space at BloggerCon, you would have the opportunity to attend, and rub shoulders with many of the most influential bloggers in the blogosphere.

If you are interested, you had better hurry, as the space won't last long.

Trudy can be reached by e-mail at:

twschuett - at -

Trudy won't be blogging for awhile either, as she has been called in to tend to her father. He has taken ill, and needs her care.

Our prayers and thoughts are with Trudy and her father.

Well wishes and e-cards can be sent to the same e-mail address:

twschuett - at -

Trudy and her father are certainly in my thoughts.
