Guest PowerBlog Review at Small Business Trends

As many of you already know, my friend Anita Campbell of Small Business Trends offers a regular feature called PowerBlog Review.

In each PowerBlog Review, Anita examines a different blog, and points out the blog's strength and "power" for her readers.

This week, she gave me the honour of providing a guest PowerBlog Review.

For my guest entry in the series, I chose the wonderful Ripples blog, written by my friend David St. Lawrence.

As I say in my review:

There is no compartmentalizing of business on the one hand, and personal thought and contemplation on the other, in the Ripples world. Both are part of the same yin and yang of life, and richly described and shared with readers, from all walks and stages of life.

For more on my guest PowerBlog Review of Ripples, cruise on over to Small Business Trends.

After that, be sure to take a leisurely tour of Ripples.

David St. Lawrence will be glad you dropped by.
