Ping those blogs...Ping those blogs

Ping those blogs.

Ping those blogs.

Ping those blogs.

I know. I know. I sound like I am raising money for some worthy cause (which I often do), but for the moment, I want you ping your blogs.

By pinging your blogs, you are telling the various news feed sites, and blog update systems that you have updated your blog.

When you make that truly great, or even not quite so great but still okay post, you want to let everyone know about it.

After all, you aren't just posting into cyberspace for no one to read are you? It's sort of like whether or not there is a sound, from a tree falling in the forest, and nobody is there to hear it.

It's the same with blogs. You have to get the word out that you posted an entirely new entry.

That's what pings are for. (My apologies to the similar song).

My friend Jennifer at Drink This... has provided a very complete list of blog services to ping. It's truly one of the most complete lists of blog pinging tools I have ever seen.

She has done a lot of work for you, researching and linking to all of the sites, so it would be great if you gave her a few bucks donation for her efforts. She has a handy PayPal button on her blog.

She deserves a reward for her efforts and research work.

Oh, and there is the worthy cause I mentioned earlier. You knew I would get around to it sooner or later, right?

That list of pinging tools is growing all of the time, providing you with many more opportunities to get the word out, about your latest blog postings.

In the meantime...

Ping those blogs.

Ping those blogs.

Maybe someone should start a Telethon For Bloggers.

Oh the ideas that pop up when a person is having a good time!

Ping those blogs...
