Regular series as post ideas

Blog posting ideas are occasionally difficult to dream up out of thin air.

Sometimes that blank white blog posting box can appear rather forbidding.

One proven solution, used very effectively by more than one successful blogger, is to write a regular post series.

A post series is usually designed to appear once a week, and is based on a single theme or topic. Sometimes it's simply a roundup of links for the week. For many bloggers, the series becomes synonymous with their blog.

A weekly review of books, movies, music, and other blogs are proven winners as blogging series themes.

Anita Campbell of the great Small Business Trends blog has gained praise from her wonderful PowerBlog Review series. The concept is to examine one blog per week, and distill its most important lesson for the reader.

As a blog series, the PowerBlog Review provides Anita with one sure regular blogging topic.

Over at the wonderful Lip-Sticking blog, Yvonne DiVita has her regular series on Smart Man and Smart Woman. Through an indepth interview process with internet movers and shakers, Yvonne has her guests share their secrets of business, blogging, internet commerce, and an entire host of other subjects.

As a regular feature, the Smart Man and Smart Woman interviews ensure that Yvonne always has a topic up her sleeve. Yvonne runs other series too, just to really be on top of things!

Todd S. over at A Penny For... always seems to have a series of some sort going on. His concept is is have his visitors contribute to the discussion he has started, on various aspects of a topic. Todd usually runs the theme and discussion over the course of an entire week.

With a regular discussion series, Todd always has a week's worth of posts all mapped out for himself and his readers.

By being creative, you too can develop a regular blogging series for your own blog.

Not only does a weekly feature help reduce blogger block, but also helps a blog develop a regular following of readers. Many people will return each week for the usual feature article.

As a traffic builder, that's very difficult to beat.

Think of being regular...wait, that's not the best choice of words...

But you know what I mean.
