Girl on Top
Your Guide to Turning Dating Rules into Career Success
By: Nicole Williams
Published: October 12, 2009
Format: Hardcover, 208 pages
ISBN: 9781599951928
Publisher: Center Street
"I've come to believe that just like in our relationships, loving your career has a lot to do with your expectations - ultimately you get the love (and the career) you think you deserve", writes best selling author and WORKS founder Nicole Williams, in her witty and insightful book on career management
Girl on Top: Your Guide to Turning Dating Rules into Career Success. The author turns the famous dating book The Rules upside down, as she applies that famous dating advice for women, to finding and succeeding in a dream career.
Nicole Williams pulls no punches as she shares the secrets to navigating the often treacherous waters of finding the right career. Her advice for women is described in terms of dating terms. By using that clever analogy, she compares seeking the perfect career with finding the right life partner. She begins with the comparison to finding the right job with the dating scene. Her three overall steps for both romance and careers are courting, dating, and marriage. Her dating and employment parallels work well, as she expands on each stage with an even more detailed use of The Rules, in avoiding the many pitfalls that can befall the unwary woman.
Nicole Williams (photo left) provides career planning and management advice that is both timely and relevant. With wit, and her characteristic sense of flair, the author demonstrates that the same mistakes that can derail a romance or marriage, can also stop a woman's career advancement in its tracks. Whether she writes about making sure that a woman conveys the proper image, gains respect of her peers and superiors, or gets the pay she deserves, the advice is presented with an edge that makes the concepts memorable. The romance comparison not only creates an easy to remember and understand set of rules for employment, but the author helps women step outside the rigid ideas of career management. In its place, she creates an alternative system for assessing a job, and whether its the right place for a woman to spend years of employment.
For me, the power of the book is how Nicole Williams took the well known concept of The Rules for women and romance, and turned them around to work in the world of work. The combining of the two concepts of romance and careers is a powerful one on many levels. Not only are both romance and employment about finding the right life partner, but they are also about the strength and depth of the commitment by both parties to making the arrangement work for everyone. The same mistakes that can end a romance or marriage can also destroy a career, leaving everyone devastated and often lost. Changing jobs is very often as stressful and as difficult as ending any other relationship. This book serves as a powerful guide for women to avoid mistakes and keeping their careers on course.
I highly recommend the perceptive and insightful book
Girl on Top: Your Guide to Turning Dating Rules into Career Success by Nicole Williams, to any woman seeking to discover a practical and easy to follow guide to finding and developing a successful career. Just as their are right and wrong dating partners, there are also places of employment that are not suitable to every woman.
Read the step by step guide to a successful career
Girl on Top: Your Guide to Turning Dating Rules into Career Success by Nicole Williams, and put the time proven dating advice to work in finding and building the career of your dreams. This lighthearted, but hard hitting book can turn a boring and mediocre career into am exciting and fulfilling love affair for life.