The Temples of Light
An Initiatory Journey into the Heart Teachings of the Egyptian Mystery Schools
By: Danielle Rama Hoffman
Published: October 21, 2009
Format: Paperback, 256 pages
ISBN-10: 1591430992
ISBN-13: 978-1591430995
Publisher: Bear & Company
"You are a living temple. This journey through the Temples of Light initiations is a process of coming fully to life, of turning on all of the light within you, of moving into your heart and becoming your most realized self", writes healer and teacher of meta-physics and the healing arts Danielle Rama Hoffman, in her inspirational and profound book The Temples of Light: An Initiatory Journey into the Heart Teachings of the Egyptian Mystery Schools. The author shares the secrets of discovering your inner strength and empowerment through a course of initiation into the ancient Egyptian mystery schools.
Danielle Rama Hoffman is a wonderful guide to the secrets of the thirteen important Egyptian temples that form the personal journey into inner enlightenment. Based on the myth of the dismemberment of the body of the god Osiris into fourteen parts, the temples represent each part of his physical and spiritual reconstruction. The fourteenth temple, is within yourself and its discovery is part of a personal rebirth and spiritual awakening. The author takes the reader as initiate through the intricate and deeply personal process of self discovery and awareness as manifested by each of the temples. As the initiate moves along the road to ascension, Danielle Rama Hoffman shares powerful learning techniques that help the reader to delve more deeply into the mysteries and into the soul.

Danielle Rama Hoffman (photo left) has traveled the spiritual route to enlightenment that she describes in the book. Her own personal journey is intertwined into the lessons provided in the book. By understanding her own shift in consciousness, she is able to guide the reader on the proper path to personal awareness and fulfillment through the ancient Egyptian wisdom. Each of the thirteen temples offers up its secrets, and the author helps the seeker to internalize and discover the power of each of them in turn. Through the course of finding the sacred sites, both in physical and spiritual terms, the initiate will become more at one with the cosmic consciousness. The book tells of the author's story, but the true journey is that of the reader's inner discovery and enlightenment.
For me, the power of the book is Danielle Rama Hoffman's gentle guidance for the novice initiate along the voyage to self discovery. The author shares her own journey, but more importantly, delves deeply into the importance of taking each step along that road to self awareness. The course is for the reader, and the path is that of the ancient Egyptian mystery schools, and their relevance to personal understanding in the modern world. The book contains a valuable CD that contains two of the initiation steps, including the critical first initiation, to help the novice get started along the way. The author also includes beautiful color photographs of the thirteen temples described in the book, helping to make ancient Egypt even more alive today. Along with the main text of the book, the author includes a valuable glossary of ancient Egyptian terms and a list of mainstream and alternative books on Egyptian religion, mythology, and history.
I highly recommend the powerful and awe inspiring book The Temples of Light: An Initiatory Journey into the Heart Teachings of the Egyptian Mystery Schools by Danielle Rama Hoffman, to anyone seeking an alternative path to personal enlightenment and spiritual awakening. The author helps the reader to develop an open heart and an acceptance of one's own personal experience, while preparing the initiate for transforming that past into an empowered and happier present and future.
Read the essential spiritual guide to initiation The Temples of Light: An Initiatory Journey into the Heart Teachings of the Egyptian Mystery Schools by Danielle Rama Hoffman, and embark on your personal journey to deeper spiritual and cosmic awareness. Along the way, as you learn more about the power of the message contained in the ancient Egyptian ideas, your interest in the subject matter will also grow. While the nature of the ancient Egyptian mythology is beyond the scope of the book, the reader will soon feel the desire to learn more about that intriguing and ever fascinating culture and its beliefs. This book is a valuable beginning on your own personal journey to spiritual awareness.
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