The Number for Happiness, Love, and Success
By: Jacqueline Leo
Published: December 12, 2009
Format: Hardcover, 272
ISBN: 9780446542692
Publisher: Twelve
"Seven is a natural brain filter, managing information and visual stimuli in order to let the brain and memory function properly", writes media guru, editor, and director of visual operations for the Peter G. Peterson Foundation Jacqueline Leo, in her entertaining and lighthearted look at the very special number Seven: The Number for Happiness, Love, and Success. The author presents the many ways that the number seven has held a special role in history, and its impact on our daily lives today.
Jacqueline Leo understands the cultural importance of the number seven. It has held a position of importance in all cultures, and in all historical periods. Whether the field is science, psychology, or religion, the number seven has been significant in all of them. The number seven is fascinating for its ubiquitous sorting function for many people. The author reminds us that most people will select seven when asked to choose a number between one and ten, or use only seven recipes out of an entire cookbook. Whether the area of interest is learning, love, or happiness, Jacqueline Leo has intriguing information on the importance of the number seven in our personal lives as well.

Jacqueline Leo (photo left) combines fun facts surrounding the mystical, and usually considered to be lucky number seven. She describes how regular telephone numbers consist of seven digits because that amount is the limit of most people's short term memory. Even at the earliest stages of life, and throughout a child's development and into adulthood, the mind learns in stages of sevens. The number seven, according to the author's research, can be used effectively to develop a career path, start and operate a successful business, or to achieve success in all areas of life. The book is packed with examples, both whimsical and science based, of the importance of the number seven in all stages of our lives.
For me, the power of the book is how Jacqueline Leo presents the multi-faceted role of the number seven in so many fields. Combining information with lighthearted fun facts about the number and its quirks, the book is a delight to read. It can be opened at any page, and the reader will be rewarded with ideas to ponder and a smile to enjoy. The author includes many personal stories, written by guest authors of renown, on their experiences with the number seven. The book is both practical and a pleasure to read and enjoy.
I highly recommend the fun and fascinating Seven: The Number for Happiness, Love, and Success by Jacqueline Leo, to anyone seeking an enjoyable read about an eternally intriguing number. The book holds riches for readers in search of number based mysticism, hard science, or just some fun facts for sharing with friends and family.
Read the rewarding and smile inducing book Seven: The Number for Happiness, Love, and Success by Jacqueline Leo, and discover the power and constant place of the number seven in your life and that of other people and cultures. Regardless of the time or place, societies have given importance and significance to the number seven. This book will give you a solid primer on that ubiquitous and very lucky integer.