Taking the Leap
Managing Your Career in Turbulent Times...and Beyond
By: Beth Banks Cohn Ph.D., Roz Usheroff
Published: October 2, 2009
Format: Paperback, 148 pages
ISBN: 1439249172
Publisher: BookSurge Publishing
"We have a generation of workers set to retire, and coming up to replace them is a new generation, raised on the horror stories of corporate life, who have decided there must be a better way", write leadership development and executive branding experts Beth Banks Cohn and Roz Usherhoff, in their practical career strategy and leadership development book Taking the Leap: Managing Your Career in Turbulent Times...and Beyond. The authors share the critical foundation qualities of personal leadership, communication, and change management as the cornerstones of building a solid career strategy.

Beth Banks Cohn (photo left) and Roz Usheroff understand that the world of employment is changing constantly. As a result, the authors remind their readers that managing a career is critical to success. To leave their career in someone else's hands is impossible in today's economic and business environment. It's up to the individual to learn and develop the essential skills for building a successful career over their working lifetime. While the strategies taught in the book may not prevent layoffs entirely, the skills of leadership, managing change, and developing strong communication skills will go far toward ensuring that career risk is lowered dramatically. While there is no secret formula that guarantees success, the authors share the most important strategies for success in any economy.

Roz Usheroff (photo left) and Beth Banks Cohn recognize the importance of developing the authentic self, based on building trust and integrity of action, communication, and character. The authors stress self confidence, being likable, and having personal courage in developing leadership skills. With these attributes in place, a person can better manage the inevitable change that will occur in the workplace, as well as in the overall economy. Whether the change takes place in the current place of employment or through job change, strong career management will serve the person well. The book also contains an important section developing strong communication skills that are direct, honest, and free of gender and cultural bias.
For me, the power of the book is how Beth Banks Cohn and Roz Usheroff present a no nonsense approach to career management. Their core concepts work well in any stage of a career and in any economy. The authors utilize a step by step technique where the critical skills build on one another in a logical sequence. At he end of each chapter is a valuable summary of the key points presented in each section. Throughout the book are a number of personal checklists and self assessment tools that help to establish the concepts in an individual format. The book is a valuable resource for people at any stage of their career. Whether the reader is a Baby Boomer nearing retirement, a Generation Xer in mid career, or a Millennial beginning the career journey, the information is applicable to every group.
I highly recommend the career transformational book Taking the Leap: Managing Your Career in Turbulent Times...and Beyond by Roz Usheroff and Beth Banks Cohen, to anyone seeking to take charge of their own career path and success. This valuable resource will equip anyone to establish a successful career, regardless of the changes taking place within a company, or the upheavals of the economy as a whole.
Read the sharply focused career building book Taking the Leap: Managing Your Career in Turbulent Times...and Beyond by Beth Banks Cohn and Roz Usheroff, and learn and enhance the most critical career building skills. This book will prepare a person of any age for any challenge that may arise in establishing a successful career in any business or profession.