Blog advertising: Is it for you?

Blog advertising is always a delicate and controversial subject.

Many bloggers, including myself, suppor the idea of selling advertising space on blogs. Many other blog owners strongly oppose the idea.

Thee support or opposition for advertising, usually comes down on ideological lines, about the purpose and nature of blogs. Some people see blogs as another form of media, marketing, publicity, and public relations.

Look up to the top of this page for my stance on the matter. I openly support those ideas and advise my readers on how to use blogs in that way. I support the right to accept, or refuse, any advertising on your own blogs. I believe in freedom of choice.

I choose to support and accept blog advertising.

Many other bloggers, and their views certainly have strong merit as well, feel that blogs must remain free of commercial taint. They feel that accepting ads, will potentially cause a blogger's content to become self censored, or perhaps beholden to the advertisers and their wishes.

It often seems like there is no middle ground.

Jeff Jarvis, at Buzz Machine
posted a link to a Wall Street Journal article (unfortunately subscription is required) about avertising on blogs in general, and Blogads in particular.

The Wall Street Journal speculates that blog advertising could be the next big thing.


Buzz Machine
article is also valuable for its comments to the discussion. Many provide a good backgound of the discussion of whether or not blogs should or should not feature paid advertising.

Like me, Trudy Schuett at WOLves believes that blog advertising is a good thing. She also sees it as inevitable and a natural progression:

"...bloggers have to support their site somehow. Blogs have had some sort of "exchange" aspect since the beginning, in asking for donations or gifts from their readers. Text ads for cash given direct to the blogger really isn't all that different, and in my opinion a bit more professional than having a section saying, "please buy me this book or gadget." "

Whatever your views on paid advertising, you have to seriously consider your purpose in starting and maintaining a blog. For business bloggers, the choice to accept advertising should be a relatively straight forward one.

For bloggers writing on other topics, or perhaps personal journals and diaries, the issue is indeed less clear cut. The blogger's own conscience and values must come into play.

As for me, I believe that accepting advertising is a legitimate and respectable way to earn some revenue from blogs.

Bloggers work hard writing their daily posts. Many have hosting fees to pay. To receive some compensation for those efforts is entirely justified in my opinion.

A blog can be considered a small business. It may not be a large earning small business, but it is one nevertheless.

If you feel comfortable with accepting paid advertising, feel free to do so.

You are under no obligation to accept ads that you fiind offensive or products you do not endorse.

In a free market, you have the right to choose your destiny, and that of your blog.
