RSS Feeds: Some great information

RSS feeds.

You have heard about them. You might even use one of them daily to send and receive blog posts.

For those who aren't entirely certain what the initials RSS stand for, don't feel badly. There is no real consensus. The more formal prefer Rich Site Summary. The more casual types prefer Really Simple Syndication. My advice is to select a definition based on your mood for the day.

Trudy Schuett has posted some great RSS basics for your blog.

While the post is more of a primer, for those who don't utilize the ease of RSS feeders, it is still a great article.

One less well known fact that Trudy mentions is the value of the RSS feed as a promotional vehicle.

For those bloggers, who don't or can't spare much time for blog marketing, the spiders from the various blog aggregators will locate your blog. To have your blog added to any sort of index is extremely valuable. One where you don't have to do the work yourself is even better.

Many bloggers read almost all of their favourite blogs through RSS channels. The trend is a growing one for bloggers and non-bloggers alike.

Now, if only I could get my RSS feed to work.

Then, I'd be happy too!
