Blogs: Changing the look

Blogs often change their look.

There are many reasons for giving your blog a facelift. A virtual tummy tuck of posts or lyposuction of bloated coding is often a good thing.

Blogging newspaper The Blog Herald has a brand new look. My friend Carrie at Life or Something like it...Boo has an entirely altered design.

Other bloggers are constantly tinkering with their designs and layouts. Whether from boredom like Josh at OSUnix, or for any other reason, blogs often find a fresh appearance to greet their visitors.

For those of us who use the standard Blogger templates, (No laughter, please), there is not much variety in the diet. One question that would be interesting to be answered is:

Do design changes cause increases in traffic levels?

If changing a blog's clothes makes it more interesting, readable, or more functional, it would follow that it would be a wise move. On the other hand, perhaps a new suit will make the blog unfamiliar, and cause the loss of some old friends in the process.

I would be interested in hearing the experiences of bloggers who have given their blogs a fresh coat of paint. (I have mixed so many metaphors here that there has to be one that you like.)

Leave me a comment, and some anecdotes about your new look; or if you are considering some blog home renovations.

Is the change one for the better?
