Blogs: Present and future

For those of you wanting to catch up on your reading, I would suggest you read my friend Trudy Schuett's Blogs: The Next Generation Internet. As always, Trudy provides a solid analysis of the future of blogging as a medium.

Of interest as well, is Trudy's story of how she first got involved in the past time we all know and...well....know.

Trudy believes in blogging so much that she maintains five...count 'em...five blogs. As if that total wasn't enough, she is planning even more.

From blogging blogging books....

The always imaginative Jeremy Wright of Ensight is in the process of thinking out the details and viability of a blogging book for business.

So far he is getting some positive feedback on the concept.

I happen to agree with Jeremy that there is a niche there for a blogging book for business. Since he already knows I will help him in any way that I can, I just await the word.

Bloggers Helping Bloggers update....

David St. Lawrence at Ripples and I are continuing to work on the details of our Bloggers Helping Bloggers employment concept.

We want to be able to put blogs to use for a postive goal. One great way, to use blogs for the betterment of society, would be to help other unemployed or underemployed bloggers find paying jobs.

So far, the feedback from other bloggers, on Bloggers Helping Bloggers, has been very positive. Many people have offered to help in every way that they can.

We certainly don't want to see this initiative fizzle out. If I start to slack off on it, be sure to give me a virtual kick in the pants as a reminder of the importance of this idea.

There are undoubtably many other ways that blogs can be turned to good use. Blogs can be a wonderful and powerful force for helping others. Keep in mid as well, that we bloggers are doing good for others, without having to resort to government assistance. How novel!

Blogging is a true grassroots medium.

That in itself is a major plus.
