Blogging: Not tonight dear...

Have you ever had one of those days where you simply just didn't feel like blogging?

You stare at the little posting box, but you have blogger block. Nothing seems to want to flow from your keyboard to the screen.

You search through your favourite blog lists and wouldn't you know it. Everyone out there in Blogging Land seems to be having their most prolific days. They all appear to be averaging four or more posts per blog.

By noon.

Don't feel badly. Everyone has those moments. Even the bloggingest writers have those days, when they experience that strange mixture, of indifference and posting panic.

The indifference comes as you think that the blog doesn't really need hourly posts. You even begin to doubt if your blog is worth bothering with at all.

The panic results from the fear, that your regular visitors will be disappointed, because you provided them no daily sustenance for their ravenous blog appetites.

The facts of the matter are these:

Don't worry about it.

If you have nothing you want to write about. Don't.

Don't drive yourself to panic, simply because you can't find an interesting topic. It's much better to not post at all, than to write something you feel is not your best work.

Or even close to it.

If you want to take a short break from blogging, because you need a rest, do it. Take a time out. The blog will still be there when you return later on in the week.

Your regular readers will still be there.

Blogging should be a fun activity. It should never become a chore.

Or worse, an addiction.

If you don't feel like writing, skip a day or two. No one will notice. You'll return to your blog fresh, and bursting with enough new ideas, to keep your computer humming for a month.

Don't be held hostage to that little posting box.

It's only blogging after all.
